

1. 15 samples of "Igeneous rock series": Inhomogeneity is observed only for MgO in JA-2 for Major element.

2. 9 samples of "Sedimentary rock series": Inhomogeneity is observed for MnO, MgO, Na2O in JLS-1, CaO in JSl-1 and MnO, CaO in JSl-2.

3. RSD(relative standard deviation) for major elements: 1.2% for 100mg sampling, 3.3% for 10mg, 7.5% for 5mg.

4. RSD for minor elements: 18 % for 100mg sampling, 26% for 10mg.

5. Larger RSD for Ni,Cu,Zr,Mo,Nd,Th,U

6. Larger RSD for Mo in JB-1


S.Terashima, T.Okai, A.Ando, S.Itoh
Homogenieity tests for twenty-four GSJ rock reference samples, Bull.Geol.Surv.Japan, 41, 129-138 (1990).

S.Terashima, N.Imai, M. Ujiie
Examination of analytical errors caused by and uneven element distribution in the analyses of a small amount of rock reference samples, Bunseki Kagaku, 44, 965-969 (1995).