Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JSd-3
Element code : V
Unit : ppm

70ICPES 1990.02Personal communication, Geological Survey of CanadaD.C.Gregoire
40OES 1990.04Personal communication, Geological Survey of IndiaB.G.Rao
72XRF 1990.04Personal communication, Govern. Chem. Lab., Brisbane, AustraliaH.A.Olszowy, J.Hegarty, P.Smith, R.Sumner, S.Mckeo
73ICPES 1989.04Personal communication, Geological Survey of JapanK.Kikkawa
76XRF 1990.01Personal communication, IFREMER, Centre de Brest, FranceJ.Etoubleau
68OES 1990.05Personal Communication, U.S. Geological Survey, LakewoodJ.S.Kane, J.G.Crock, P.H.Briggs and D.L.Fey
80.9ICPES 1990.05Personal Communication, U.S. Geological Survey, RestonJ.S.Kane
72AA 1990.04Elemental concentrations in nine new GSJ rock reference samples 'sedimentary rock series'Geost. Newsletter141-5S.Terashima, A.Ando, T.Okai, Y.Kanai, M.Taniguchi,
73ICPES 1990Identification of tephra layers by inductively coupled plasma(ICP) emission spectrometry, and their applications (in Japanese with English abstract)J. Geography9911-26K.Kikkawa
68INAA 1991.1Activation analysis of GSJ rock standard samples -Sedimentary rock series- (Abst.,in Japanese)1991 Annual Meet. Japan Geoch. Soc.201Y.Oura, N.Aota, S.Kosanda, Y.Miyamoto, T.Okui, Y.K
96PAA 1991.1Activation analysis of GSJ rock standard samples -Sedimentary rock series- (Abst.,in Japanese)1991 Annual Meet. Japan Geoch. Soc.201Y.Oura, N.Aota, S.Kosanda, Y.Miyamoto, T.Okui, Y.K
66NAA 1990Personal Communication, Los Aramos, USAE.S.Gladney
65.5NAA 1994Neutron activation analysis of nine GSJ sedimentary rock reference samplesGeostandards Newsletter18185-193N.Aota,Y.Miyamoto,S.Kosanda,Y.Oura,T.Okui, K.Sakam
76XRF 1996Personal communication,Bremen Univ., GermanyM.Zuther
83XRF 1995Major and trace element analyses of rock samples by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using Rh anode tubeDepartment of Geology, Faculty of Educaton, Iwate University and Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology, Tokoku University5589-110N. Tsuchiya, T. Hasenaka

  • Hit number : 15
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