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Sample code : JG-1
Element code : V
Unit : ppm

25AA 1975.01Personal communication, Service Analyse et Contro, Complexe Scientifique, Canada.J. Gagnon
25OES 1968Personal communication, Geological Survey of Canada.W.H. Champ
21OES 1970Personal communication, Geological Survey of JapanK.Ikeda
25COLOR 1970Personal communication, Geological Survey of JapanS.Terashima
<25AA 1972Personal communication, Geological Survey of Czechoslovakia, Prague, CzechoslovakiaI.Rubeska
95OES 1972Personal communication, woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, U.S.A.G.Thompson
28OES 1973.06Personal communication, Geological Survey of Canada.W.H. Champ and G.P. Bender
25AA 1973Personal communication, Victoria Univ. of Wellington, NewzealandM.Schafer
21AA 1973Atomic absorption analysis of beryllium and vanadium in rocks.Bunseki Kagaku221317-1323S.Terashima
23.3COLOR 1974Extractive spectrophotometric determination of vanadium (V) by using the combination of 1-butanol and PARBunseki Kagaku23402-406H.Akaiwa, H.Kawamoto and H.Kondo
25.2COLOR 1981Spectrophotometric determination of vanadium in natural waters and rocks after selective adsorption on sephadex gel.Anal. Chim. Acta130345-352K.Yohsimura, H.Kaji, E.Yamaguchi and T.Tarutani
31XRF 1976.05Personal communication, The University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.D.H. Cornell
24.2COLOR 1983Anion-exchange separation and spectrophotometric determination of vanadium in silicate rocksTalanta30261-264T.Kiriyama and R.Kuroda
23.6COLOR 1977Synergic extraction and atomic absorption spectrometric determination of vanadium in silicatesAnal. Chim. Acta9369-75I.Kojima, T.Uchida, M.Nanbu and C.IIda
21AA 1979Personal communication, Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, Canada.Muecke
32XRF 1979Personal communication, University of Adelaide, AustraliaM.Ogasawara
28.4NAA 1976.08Personal communication, Tokyo Metoro. Isot. Res. Center JapanY.Tanizaki
22OES 1973Personal communication, Geological Survey of Israel, Jerusalem, Israel.I.B.Brenner
35NAA 1979.02Personal communication, Nihon Inspection Ltd., Tokyo Res. Center, JapanY.Saito
30XRF 1985.06Personal communication, Earth Sciences Board, University of CaliforniaJ.Gill
28.5XRF 1985.01X-ray fluorescence analysis of trace elements in silicate rocks using fused disk samples (in Japanese with English abstract)Sci. Repts., Dept. Geol., Kyushu Univ.14117-127S.Nakada
22.7AA 1985.02Determination of major and minor elements in GSJ reference rock samples (JB-1a and JG-1a) (in Japanese with English abstract)Bunseki Kagaku34104-107T.Yamashige, M.Yamamoto, S.Terashima, Y.Shigetomi,
22.4INAA 1980.02Neutron activation analysis of Japanese standard rocksJ. Radioanal. Chem.59245-248H.Nakahara, K.Masago, Y.Nakamura, K.Horiuchi and Y
20ICPES 1984.03Personal communication, Government Industrial Research Institute, Chugoku, JapanS.Hirata
28XRF 1982.04Personal communication, Univ. Tronto, CanadaO.Ujike
25.7XRF 1975.09Personal communicatin, Kochi Pref. Res. Center Env. Prot., JapanJ.Yamamoto
24.9ICPES 1980Determination of major and minor elements in silicates by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometryAnal. Chim. Acta116433-437H.Uchida, T.Uchida and C.Iida
22INAA 1985.1Analysis of standard rock samples by neutron activation, x-ray fluorescence and Mossbauer Methods(Abst.,in Japanese)29 Symp. Radioch.Y.Minai, M.Ebihara, K.Sakamoto, N.Aota, R.Matsumot
29COLOR 1975Synergic extraction and photometric determination of Vanadium(V) with 8-quinolinol in the presence of phenolsAnal. Chim. Acta75367-376I.Kojima and M.Tanaka
23.8ICPES 1986Multielement determination of rocks by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (in Japanese with English abstract)Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan37515-523N.Imai
20AA 1987.07Personal communication, BMG, PhilippinesE.M.Macalalad
21XRF 1988.1Elemental concentrations in Japanese silicate rock standards: A comparison with the literatureGeost. Newsletter12379-389K.W.Sims, E.S.Gladney, C.Lundstrom and N.W.Bower
26.3ICPMS 1990.06Multielement analysis of rocks with the use of geological certified reference material by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryAnalytical sciences6389-395N.Imai
27XRF 1987Determination of several trace elements in silicate rocks by an XRF method with background and matrix correctionsTalanta341027-1031J.Pascual
20.8POL 1985Determination of traces of vanadium with the catalytic maximum wave in differential pulse polarographyFresenius Z. Anal. Chem.322486-490K.Hasebe, T.Kakizaki and H.Yoshida
28XRF 1983Granulite-amphibolite facies metasediments from the serre (Calabria, Southern Italy): their protoliths and the processes controlling their chemistryLithos1695-111E.Maccarrone, A.Paglionico, G.Piccarreta and A.Rot
45EXRF 1979.06Effective sample weight from scatter peaks in energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescenceAnal. Chem.51961-967P.V.Espen, L.Van Dack, F.Adams and R.V.Grieken
21AA 1979Atomic absorption spectrometry of vanadium with a tungsten electrothermal atomizerAnal. Chim. Acta10869-74K.Ohta and M.Suzuki
23.5INAA 1982Matrix effects of epithermal neutron activation analysis of various kinds of reference materialsJ. Radioanal. Chem.72377-391H.Nakahara, M.Tsukada,
30.4ICPES 1988Chemical analysis of REE and trace metals in GSJ rock reference samples by ICPJ.Japan Assoc.Min Pet.Econ.Geol83102-106M.Tagiri and A.Fujinawa
39.35ICPMS 1992Determination of trace and ultra-trace elements in 32 international geostandards by ICP-MSJour.Min.Pet.Econ.Geol87107-122T.Yoshida,S.Yamasaki and A.Tsumura
28.38XRF 1993XRF ANALYTICAL REPORT 1/93,Determination of Zn,Cu,Ni,Cr,V and Ti in igneous rocks using Sc/Mo tube by the Compton scatterimg calibrationGSJ Open-file ReportM.Ujiie and S.Togashi
32XRF 1992Quantitative analysis of Ba,Co,Cr and Vin silicate rocks by X-ray fluorescence methodContrib.Dept.Geol.Min.,NIigata Univ.7111-115Y.Kawano,N.Watanabe,K.Yamamoto and K.Shuto
35.0XRF 1997Personal communication,UNAM,MexicoRufino Lozano
31XRF 1995Major and trace element analyses of rock samples by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using Rh anode tubeDepartment of Geology, Faculty of Educaton, Iwate University and Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology, Tokoku University5589-110N. Tsuchiya, T. Hasenaka
30.4XRF 1995Major and trace element analyses of rock samples by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using Rh anode tubeDepartment of Geology, Faculty of Educaton, Iwate University and Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology, Tokoku University5589-110N. Tsuchiya, T. Hasenaka
30.8XRF 1995Major and trace element analyses of rock samples by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using Rh anode tubeDepartment of Geology, Faculty of Educaton, Iwate University and Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology, Tokoku University5589-110N. Tsuchiya, T. Hasenaka

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