Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JB-1a
Element code : U
Unit : ppm

<0.5XRF 1985.08Personal communication, Govern. Chem. Lab., Brisbane, AustraliaH.A.Olszowy
1XRF 1985.02Personal communication, British Geological Survey, EnglandD.J.Bland
1.58INAA 1985.06Personal communication, Chengdu College of Geology, ChinaT.Chunhan
1.56GAMMA 1985.05Personal communication, Kanazawa University, JapanK.L.Tan and K.Komura
2XRF 1984.12Personal communication, University of Southampton, EnglandI.W.Croudace
1.9INAA 1986.1Instrumental neutron activation analysis of nine new reference materials from he Geological Survey of JapanGeost. Newsletter10121-125P.J.Potts and N.W.Rogers
1.40FLUOR 1986.04Determination of uranium in thirty-six geological reference samples by fluorimetry and extractive spectrophotometryGeost. Newsletter1073-76U.Kanai, N.Imai and S.Terashima
1.7COLOR 1986.04Determination of uranium in thirty-six geological reference samples by fluorimetry and extractive spectrophotometryGeost. Newsletter1073-76U.Kanai, N.Imai and S.Terashima
1.6COLOR 1984Personal communication, Sumitomo Al Smelting Co., M.Tanjo, JapanSumitomo Al, M.Tanjo
1.37FLUOR 1984Personal communicaction, Geological Survey of JapanY.Kanai
1.54GAMMA 1984Personal communicaction, Kanazawa Univ., JapanK.Komura
1.66DNA 1985Determination uranium in GSJ, CRPG and CCRMP reference samples by delayed neutron assayGeostandards NewsletterE.S.Gladney
1.52GAMMA 1987.1Personal communication, Kanazawa Univ. LLRL, JapanK.Komura
1.56GAMMA 1988.1Uranium, thorium and potassium contents in eighteen geochemical reference samples issued from the Geological Survey of JapanGeost. Newsletter12371-374K.Komura, K.L.Tan and K.Ueno
1.620RNAA 1987.03Determination of trace amounts of uranium in silicate materials by means of neutron activation analysis involving rapid radiochemical separationJ. Radio. Nuc. Chem., Articles10969-78M.Ebihara, K.Tomura and M.Masutani
1.41INAA 1987.03Determination of trace amounts of uranium in silicate materials by means of neutron activation analysis involving rapid radiochemical separationJ. Radio. Nuc. Chem., Articles10969-78M.Ebihara, K.Tomura and M.Masutani
1.73NAA 1988.05Personal communication, Kanazawa University, JapanY.Miyamoto
1.58INAA 1988.12Personal communication, Chengdu College of Geology, ChinaT.Chunhan
<10XRF 1989.03Personal communication, Ministry Ener. Mines., Caracas, VenezuelaH.Takeda
1.52INAA 1989.11The problems in the analyses of geological materials by INAA -An examination of the analytical results of GSJ rock reference samplesJ. Geol. Soc. Japan95835-850H.Kamioka and T.Tanaka
1.66INAA 1985.1Determination of uranium in GSJ, CRPG, and CCRMP reference samples by delayed neutron assayGeost. Newsletter9275-276E.S.Gladney
1.87NT 1991.1Activation analysis of GSJ rock standard samples -Sedimentary rock series- (Abst.,in Japanese)1991 Annual Meet. Japan Geoch. Soc.201Y.Oura, N.Aota, S.Kosanda, Y.Miyamoto, T.Okui, Y.K
1.2NT 1991Application of the fission track method for the determination of uranium absorbed on filter paper.Bunseki Kagaku40883-887Y.Miyamoto,T.Yaita,Y.Sito and K.Kimura
1.24ICPMS 1992Determination of trace and ultra-trace elements in 32 international geostandards by ICP-MSJour.Min.Pet.Econ.Geol87107-122T.Yoshida,S.Yamasaki and A.Tsumura
1.77INAA 1992Instrumental neutron activation analysis of rocks using the Research Reactor of the Kyoto Univ. and its problemJ.Fac.Sci.,Shinshu Univ.27105-112M.Musashino and Y.Miyake
1.700NT 1993Personal Communication, Far East Geological Institute, RussiaA.S.Zhitkov and A.V.Ignatyev
1.53ICPMS 1993.04Simultaneous determination of thirty-seven trace elements in twenty-eight international rock standards by ICP-MSGeost. Newsletter1781-97CD.Garbe-Schonberg
1.50INAA 1993.04XRF and INAA determinations of major and trace elements in geological survey of Japan igneous and sedimentary rock stadardsGeost. Newsletter17127-133R.B.Hallett and
2XRF 1994Personal communication, Stanford Univ., USAJ.W.Sparks
1.6COLOR 199342th meeting Japan Soc. Anal. Chem.K.Takasima, Y.Toida, M.Itou, K.Watanabe, K.Sekine
1.73NAA 1994Neutron Activation analysis of fufteen GSJ igneous rock reference samplesGeostandards Newsletter1865-84N.Aota,Y.Miyamoto,S.Kosanda,Y.Oura and K.Sakamoto
1.76SSMS 1994Trace element analysis of GSJ silicate reference materials:Comparison of SSMS with ICP-MS data and a critical discussion of compiled valuesFresenius.J.Anal.Chem350310-318K.P.Jochum and G.Jenner
1.61ICPMS 1994Trace element analysis of GSJ silicate reference materials:Comparison of SSMS with ICP-MS data and a critical discussion of compiled valuesFresenius.J.Anal.Chem350310-318K.P.Jochum and G.Jenner
1.36INAA 1996Major and trace element analysis of fifteen japanese igneous reference rocks by XRFS and INAAGeostandards Newsletter2087-94John Stix,Michael P.Gorton,Eric Fontaine
1.7INAA 1996A Self-Consistent Compilation of Elemental Concentration Data for 93 Geochemical Reference SamplesGeostandards Newsletter20217-245Randy L.Korotev
<3.4XRF 1995Analysis of Pressed Pellets of Geological Samples Using Wavelength-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence SpectrometryX-ray Spectrometry24123-136H.P.Longerich

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