value | technique | year | title_of_literature<MAX120col.> | journal<MAX120col.> | vol | page | name<MAX80col.> |
0.01 | XRF | 1985.03 | Personal communication, University of Lund, Sweden | Z.Solyom | |||
0.03 | XRF | 1985.03 | Personal communication, The Transvaal Coal Owners Association, Richmond, South Africa | S.Naidoo | |||
0.02 | XRF | 1985.02 | Personal communication, IFREMER, Centre de Brest, France | J.Etoubleau | |||
0.02 | XRF | 1985.08 | Personal communication, Govern. Chem. Lab., Brisbane, Australia | H.A.Olszowy | |||
<0.01 | XRF | 1984.12 | Personal communication, Sheffield Univ., England | R.Kanaris-Sotiriou | |||
0.02 | CHEM | 1985.05 | Personal communication, National Geophysical Research Institute, India | V.Balaram | |||
0.013 | XRF | 1985.04 | Personal communication, University of Windsor, Canada | J.C.H.Huang | |||
0.01 | XRF | 1985.03 | Personal communication, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, U.S.A. | G.Thompson | |||
<0.01 | XRF | 1985.01 | X-ray fluorescence analysis of major elements in silicate rocks (in Japanese with English abstract) | Sci. Repts., Dept. Geol., Kyushu Univ. | 14 | 103-115 | S.Nakada, T.Yanagi, S.Maeda, D.Fang and M.Yamaguch |
<0.05 | CHEM | 1984.1 | Personal communication, ORSTOM, services Sci. Cent., Bondy, France | C.Riandey | |||
0.03 | XRF | 1985.12 | Personal communication, Netherlands Inst.Sea Research, Netherlands | J.Kalf | |||
0.01 | XRF | 1984.12 | Personal communication, University of Southampton, England | I.W.Croudace | |||
0.02 | AA | 1986.04 | Personal communication, Univ. Padova, Italy | B.Zanettin | |||
0.01 | XRF | 1986.04 | Personal communication, Univ. Padova, Italy | B.Zanettin | |||
<0.01 | AA | 1987.04 | Elemental concentrations in nine new Japanese rock reference samples | Geost. Newsletter | 11 | 75-77 | S.Terashima and A.Ando |
0.02 | XRF | 1987.04 | Personal communication, Cent. Res. Institute, Mitsubishi Metal Co., Japan | A.Yoshioka | |||
0.01 | AA | 1987.07 | Personal communication, ETH Inst. Krist. Krist. Petr.,Zurich, Switzerland | B.Ayranci | |||
0.009 | COLOR | 1987.07 | Personal communication, BMG, Philippines | E.M.Macalalad | |||
<0.01 | XRF | 1987.1 | XRF analysis of rock samples(in Japanese) | JEOL Application Note | 3-18 | D.Hogari | |
0.003 | XRF | 1988.1 | Elemental concentrations in Japanese silicate rock standards: A comparison with the literature | Geost. Newsletter | 12 | 379-389 | K.W.Sims, E.S.Gladney, C.Lundstrom and N.W.Bower |
<1.2 | INAA | 1988.1 | Elemental concentrations in Japanese silicate rock standards: A comparison with the literature | Geost. Newsletter | 12 | 379-389 | K.W.Sims, E.S.Gladney, C.Lundstrom and N.W.Bower |
0.02 | COLOR | 1988.02 | Personal communication, USSR Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch | V.P.Afonin | |||
<0.01 | ICPES | 1992.08 | Personal Communicatoin,Universidade de Brasilia, Brasil | G.R.Boaventura | |||
0.02 | XRF | 1993.04 | XRF and INAA determinations of major and trace elements in geological survey of Japan igneous and sedimentary rock stadards | Geost. Newsletter | 17 | 127-133 | R.B.Hallett and |
0.01 | XRF | 1994 | Major, trace and rare-earth elements in fourteen GSJ reference samples. Determination by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometory | Geostandards Newsletter | 18 | 91-100 | J.C.Germanique |
0.01 | XRF | 1996 | Major and trace element analysis of fifteen japanese igneous reference rocks by XRFS and INAA | Geostandards Newsletter | 20 | 87-94 | John Stix,Michael P.Gorton,Eric Fontaine |
<0.01 | AA | 1996 | Personal communication, Bremen Univ., Germany | M.Zuther and S.Bruller | |||
<0.02 | XRF | 1998 | Personal communication,GEOMAR,Germany | K.Wolf | |||
0.01 | XRF | 1997 | Major and Trace Element Analyses of Silicate Rocks Using X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer RIX3000 | The Rigaku-Denki Journal | 28 | T.Takahashi and K.Shuto | |
0.01 | XRF | 1997 | Major and Trace Element Analyses of Silicate Rocks Using X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer RIX3000 | The Rigaku-Denki Journal | 28 | T.Takahashi and K.Shuto | |
0.01 | XRF | 1999 | X-ray fluorescence analysis of major and trace elements in silicate rocks using fused disk samples | J.Fac.Cul.Edu.Saga Univ | 3 | 133-140 | S.Kakubuchi,T.Ishisaka and Y.Kawano |
0.01 | XRF | 2000 | Quantitave chemical analyses of rocks by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using a mixed alkali flux | Department of Earth Science, Faculty of Science | K Umemoto, T Imaoka, T Yamasaki and M Owada | ||
0.004 | EXRF | 2002 | Personal Communication, Southern Connecticut State Univ., USA | T. Fleming |