Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JG-1
Element code : Tb
Unit : ppm

2.5NAA 1982.12Heavy metal pollution in Osaka bay sediment(in Japanese with English abstract)Rep. Atom. Ener.Res. Inst., Kinki Univ.1929-36S.Gohda and H.Yamazaki
0.68NAA 1981.1Personal communication, Coverment Industrial Research Institute Nagoya, JapanT.Kawashima
1.44NAA 1983.1Activation analysis of standard rock samples (Abst., in Japanese)1983 Annual Meet. Japan Geoch. Soc.170-171N.Aota, T.Nikko, K.Okada, K.Sakamoto and H.Nohke
0.43NAA 1971Personal communicaction, University of Osaka Prefecture, JapanY.Masuda and Yagi
0.54SSMS 1976Analysis of JG-1 and by spark source mass spectrometryJour. Geol. Soc. Japan82215-217P.C.Rankin
0.86NAA 1976Personal communication, The Open University, Walton Hall, England.P.J. Potts
0.823NAA 1985.08Reevaluation of rare earth element abundances in Japanese standard rock samples, JG-1 and JB-1Analytical Sciences1209-213M.Ebihara, Y.Minai, M.K.Kubo, T.Tominaga, N.Aota,
0.10INAA 1985.1Analysis of standard rock samples by neutron activation, x-ray fluorescence and Mossbauer Methods(Abst.,in Japanese)29 Symp. Radioch.Y.Minai, M.Ebihara, K.Sakamoto, N.Aota, R.Matsumot
0.92INAA 1987.1A fully automated gamma-ray counting and data data processing system for INAA and analysis of rock reference samples (in Japanese with English abstract)Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan39537-557T.Tanaka, H.Kamioka and K.Yamanaka
0.70ICPMS 1988.03Personal communication, National Inst. Agro-Env. Sci.A.Yoshino
0.73RNAA 1989.02Precise determination of rare earth elements in rocks by neutron activation analysisJ. Radio. Nuc. Chem., Articles12923-31Y.Terakada, T.Fujitani and J.Takada
0.62ICPMS 1989.08Personal communication, Geological Survey of JapanN.Imai
0.60ICPMS 1990.06Multielement analysis of rocks with the use of geological certified reference material by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryAnalytical sciences6389-395N.Imai
0.79INAA 1981Determination of the rare-earth element abundances in 29 international rock standards by instrumental neutron activation analysis: A critical appraisal of calibration errorsChem. Geol.34331-352P.J.Potts, O.W.Thorpe
0.79INAA 1984.04Trace element analysis by neutron activation with a low flux reactor (slowpoke-II): Results for international reference rocksGeost. Newsletter817-23S.J.Barnes and M.P.Gorton
1.04INAA 1980Rare earth element mobility during granite alteration: evidence from southwest EnglandEarth Planet. Sci. Let.49149-165D.H.M.Alderton, J.A.Pearce and P.J.Potts
0.78INAA 1981Rare earth abundances and origin of some Indian lamprophyresGeol. Mag.118393-399D.K.Paul and P.J.Potts
1.30ICPMS 1989.1Determination of rare earth elements in geological samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryJ. Anal. Atomic Spectrometry4563-K.E.Jarvis
1.3ICPMS 1990Quantitative analysis of original and powdered rocks and mineral inclusions by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryAnal. Chim. Acta235381-391N.Imai
0.56ICPES 1989Determination of rare earth elements and yttrium in rocks using the plasma ⅡICP emission spectrometerAtomic Spectroscopy104-Z.Sulcek, I.Rubeska,
0.57ICPMS 1992Determination of trace and ultra-trace elements in 32 international geostandards by ICP-MSJour.Min.Pet.Econ.Geol87107-122T.Yoshida,S.Yamasaki and A.Tsumura
0.71IC 1992The rare-earth element content of GSJ rock reference Samples determined by gradient ion chromatographyGeochem. J.26241-249R.T.Watkins and
<1.00ICPES 1993.09Personal Communication, Cesky Geologicky UstavI.Rubeska
0.78ICPMS 1995Analysis of rareearth elementsin standard samples of granitic rocks by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after acid digestion and alkali fusionJ.Min.Petr.Econ.Geol.90419-427M.Ujiie and N.Imai

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