Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JG-1
Element code : Sc
Unit : ppm

<20OES 1968Personal communication, Geological Survey of Canada.W.H. Champ
6.44NAA 1971Personal communicaction, University of Osaka Prefecture, JapanY.Masuda and Yagi
8.0OES 1973.06Personal communication, Geological Survey of Canada.W.H. Champ and G.P. Bender
6.54NAA 1974Some trace element data and their interpretation for several new reference samples obtained by neutron activation analysisChem. Geol.13237-256K.Randle
8.58NAA 1978Instrumental neutron activation analysis of twenty-nine international geochemical reference samplesGeost. Newsletter2187-197S.Pall
6.73NAA 1976.08Personal communication, Tokyo Metoro. Isot. Res. Center JapanY.Tanizaki
6.45NAA 1982.12Heavy metal pollution in Osaka bay sediment(in Japanese with English abstract)Rep. Atom. Ener.Res. Inst., Kinki Univ.1929-36S.Gohda and H.Yamazaki
5.9NAA 1981.1Personal communication, Coverment Industrial Research Institute Nagoya, JapanT.Kawashima
7PAA 1981.12Analysis of igneous rocks by instrumental photon-activationSci. Rep. Tohoku Univ. Ser.III15101-119T.Yoshida, H.Fujimaki and K.Aoki
6NAA 1979.02Personal communication, Nihon Inspection Ltd., Tokyo Res. Center, JapanY.Saito
6.4INAA 1979.03Application of instrumental neutron activation analysis for environmental samplesRep. Ministry of Educ.(1)122-124H.Hamaguchi, N.Nonaka, H.Fukushima and H.Higuchi
5.98NAA 1977.07Personal communication, Tokyo Gakugei University, JapanY.Sakakibara
7.2INAA 1985.1Personal communication, Tokyo Gakugei University, JapanS.Ninomiya
6.2PAA 1985.12Photon-activation analysis of GSJ standard rocksRes. Rep. Lab. Nuc. Sci. Tohoku Univ.18336-350T.Yoshida and K.Aoki
6.8INAA 1978.04Personal communication, Kanagawa Prefectural Public Health Laboratory, JapanH.Takagi and H.Sugiyama
5.4ICPES 1980Determination of major and minor elements in silicates by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometryAnal. Chim. Acta116433-437H.Uchida, T.Uchida and C.Iida
7.15INAA 1980Comparison of different methods for activation analysis of geological and pedological samples: Reactor and epithermal neutron activation, relative and monostandard methodKFA Julich GmbH19801-46A.Alian and B.Sansoni
7.0NAA 1983The monostandard method in thermal neutron activation analysisKFA Julich GmbH19831-24A.Alian, R.G.Djingova, B.Kroner and B.Sansoni
6.65INAA 1987.1A fully automated gamma-ray counting and data data processing system for INAA and analysis of rock reference samples (in Japanese with English abstract)Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan39537-557T.Tanaka, H.Kamioka and K.Yamanaka
4.7ICPMS 1988.03Personal communication, National Inst. Agro-Env. Sci.A.Yoshino
6.5ICPMS 1990.06Multielement analysis of rocks with the use of geological certified reference material by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryAnalytical sciences6389-395N.Imai
6.6INAA 1984.04Trace element analysis by neutron activation with a low flux reactor (slowpoke-II): Results for international reference rocksGeost. Newsletter817-23S.J.Barnes and M.P.Gorton
6.9XRF 1983Granulite-amphibolite facies metasediments from the serre (Calabria, Southern Italy): their protoliths and the processes controlling their chemistryLithos1695-111E.Maccarrone, A.Paglionico, G.Piccarreta and A.Rot
6.5INAA 1980Rare earth element mobility during granite alteration: evidence from southwest EnglandEarth Planet. Sci. Let.49149-165D.H.M.Alderton, J.A.Pearce and P.J.Potts
6.5INAA 1981Rare earth abundances and origin of some Indian lamprophyresGeol. Mag.118393-399D.K.Paul and P.J.Potts
5.3ICPES 1988Chemical analysis of REE and trace metals in GSJ rock reference samples by ICPJ.Japan Assoc.Min Pet.Econ.Geol83102-106M.Tagiri and A.Fujinawa
6.41ICPMS 1992Determination of trace and ultra-trace elements in 32 international geostandards by ICP-MSJour.Min.Pet.Econ.Geol87107-122T.Yoshida,S.Yamasaki and A.Tsumura

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