Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JLs-1
Element code : SO3
Unit : %

0.034GRAV 1987.06Personal communication, Gunma University, JapanS.Aizawa and H.Akaiwa
0.03XRF 1987.11Personal communication, Govern. Chem. Lab., Brisbane, AustraliaH.A.Olszowy, R.Sumner, J.Hegarty, P.Smith and P.Fu
0.034GRAV 1989.12Chemical composition of GSJ rock standard samples (JLs-1:Limestone and JDo-1:Dolomite) (in Japanese with English abstract)Chikyukagaku2369-75S.Aizawa and H.Akaiwa
0.03GRAV 1991.09Major and trace elemental abundances of the GSJ sedimentary rock reference samplesJ.Japan Assoc.Min. Pet.Econ.Geol86432-437K.Ishikawa,T.Yoshida and

  • Hit number : 4
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