value | technique | year | title_of_literature<MAX120col.> | journal<MAX120col.> | vol | page | name<MAX80col.> |
<1000 | CEA | 1985.03 | Personal communication, The Transvaal Coal Owners Association, Richmond, South Africa | S.Naidoo | |||
35 | XRF | 1985.08 | Personal communication, Govern. Chem. Lab., Brisbane, Australia | H.A.Olszowy | |||
15.6 | ISE | 1986 | Rapid determination of total sulfur in rocks by means of sulfide ion-selective electrode (in Japanese with English abstract) | J. Chem. Soc. Japan | 1986 | 1074-1078 | Y.Arikawa |
30 | CEA | 1988.1 | Determination of total carbon and sulfur in fifty-two geochemical reference samples by combustion and infrared absorption spectrometry | Geost. Newsletter | 12 | 249-252 | S.Terashima |
33 | ICPES | 2001 | Determination of Total Sulfur in Thirty One Geochemical Reference Materials Using an Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometer Fitted with a Semiconductor Photodiode Detector | Geostandards Newsletter | 25 | 133-136 | T.Okai, S.Terashima, N. Imai |