Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JG-1
Element code : S
Unit : ppm

23COLOR 1972The sulfur content of igneous rocks in JapanAnnual Meeting of Geochem. Soc. JapanT.Ozawa, M.Nagashima, S.Nagashima, I.Iwasaki and Y
14XRF 1976The determination of chlorine and sulfur in silicate rocks by X-ray fluorescence spectrometryBull. Geol. Surv. Japan271-10S.Terashima
11CEA 1978The rapid determinatin of total carbon and sulfur in geological materials by combustion and infrared absorption photometry.Anal. Chim. Acta10125-31S.Terashima
11.3IDMS 1979Personal communication, Inst. Atomic Energy, JapanK.Watanabe
20GRAV 1979Sulfur isotopic composition of the magnetite-series and ilmenite series granitoids in JapanContrib. Mineral. Petrol.68107-115A.Sasaki and S.Ishihara
9.3VOLU 1982.08Personal communication, Okayama University, JapanA.Ueda
9.6FLUOR 1987.1Determination of micro-amount of sulfur in silicate rocks by fluorophotometry(Abst., in Japanese)35th Annual Meeting Japan Soc. Anal.Chem.Y.Hong, K.Yamaya and M.Yoshida
10.2CEA 1988.1Determination of total carbon and sulfur in fifty-two geochemical reference samples by combustion and infrared absorption spectrometryGeost. Newsletter12249-252S.Terashima
10.9IDMS 1983Accurate determination of sulfur at trace levels by isotope dilution mass spectrometryAnal. Chim. Acta147417-421K.Watanabe

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