Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JG-1
Element code : Rb
Unit : ppm

185XRF 1967Personal communication, Geological Survey of JapanH.Hattori and K.Shibata
187NAA 1968Simultaneous determinaiton of rubidium and cesium in rock samples by neutron activation analysis with a lithium-drafted germanium detector after chemical group separation.Anal. Chim. Acta43523-526K.Tomura, H.Higuchi, H.Takahashi, N.Onuma and H.Ha
207IDMS 1968Personal communication, Radiation Center of Osaka Pref., JapanS.Taniguchi and S.Okada
183IDMS 1968Personal communication, Kyoto Univ., JapanI.Hayase
181IDMS 1968Personal communication, Japan Atomic Research Institute, Tokai, JapanS.Tamura
188.2IDMS 1968Personal communication, Univ. of Tokyo, JapanN.Ueda
180IDMS 1968Personal communication, Univ. of Tokyo, JapanS.Takeuchi and M.Shima
168NAA 1968Personal communication, Univ. of Tokyo, JapanS.Takeuchi and M.Shima
184.6IDMS UUUnknown
187AA 1969Personal communication, Furman Univ., Greenville, South Carolina, USAV.Price
187AA 1969Analytical data on the geochemical standards JB-1 basalt and JG-1 granodiorite.J. Jap. Assoc. Min. Pet. Econ. Geol.6135-39Y.Ueda, K.Aoki, H.Onuki and Y.Kato
202XRF 1969Quantitative analysis of Rb and Sr in rocks by X-ray fluorescence spectrometryBull. Geol. Surv. Japan2051-70H.Hattori and K.Shibata
181.8IDMS 1969Variance in measurement of Rb and Sr isotope ratios of hte sample, and its effect to the age determination (as to the standard sample JG-1)Mass Spectros.17522-529S.Sato, S.Iizumi and H.Kagami
185AA 1970Personal communicaction, Geological Survey of JapanH.Kurasawa
178IDMS 1970Rb-Sr geochronology of the Hida metamorphic belt, JapanCan. J. Earth Sci.71383-1401K.Shibata, T.Nozawa and R.K.Wanless
181AA 1976Personal communication, Service Analyse et Contro, Complexe Scientifique, Canada.J. Gagnon
179.5IDMS 1971A Rb-Sr isotopic study of the Ibaragi granitic complex, Osaka, JapanJ. Geol. Soc. Japan77731-740K.Ishizaka
179XRF 1972Rb-Sr and K-Ar geochronology of metamorphic rocks in the Kamiaso conglomerite, Central JapanJ. Geol. Soc. Japan78265-271K.Shibata and M.Adachi
188AA 1972Personal communication, Geological Survey of Czechoslovakia, Prague, CzechoslovakiaI.Rubeska
174XRF 1972Personal communication, Geological Survey of Czechoslovakia, Prague, CzechoslovakiaI.Rubeska
180OES 1972Personal communication, woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, U.S.A.G.Thompson
171AA 1973Quated in B.A.O.RandallP.J.Oakley
182AA 1973Atomic absorption analysis of Be, V, Ba and Rb in rocks and flame emission analysis of RbBull. Geol. Surv. Japan24469-485S.Terashima
184FE 1973Atomic absorption analysis of Be, V, Ba and Rb in rocks and flame emission analysis of RbBull. Geol. Surv. Japan24469-485S.Terashima
181XRF 1973Determination of trace elements in unfused rock and mineral samples by X-ray fluorescenceAnal. Chom. Acta6737-53E.Murad
187XRF 1975.01Personal communication, Service Analyse et Contro, Complexe Scientifique, Canada.J. Gagnon
178.9IDMS 1974Personal communicaction, The Austlian National Univ., AustliaM.Mahon
183NAA 1974Some trace element data and their interpretation for several new reference samples obtained by neutron activation analysisChem. Geol.13237-256K.Randle
175.5PAA 1974Multielement photon activation analysis of rock materials with 30 Mev bremsstrahlungRadiochim. Acta191-6N.Sato, T.Kato and N.Suzuki
178.9IDMS 1974Personal communication, Geological Survey of JapanT.Shirahase
182XRF 1977X-ray fluorescence determination of Cr, Ga, Nb, Pb, Rb, Sr, Y, Zn and Zr in rocksBull. Geol. Surv. Japan28393-399S.Terashima
181.5NAA 1977Personal communication, Tokyo Gakugei University, JapanY.Sakakibara
184.4IDMS 1982Isotopic analysis of Rb and Sr using a full automatic thermal ionization mass spectrometerThe papers of the Institute for Thermal Spring research, Okayama Univ.No.5251-70Kagami et al
183XRF 1978Personal communication, Responsable du center d'Analyse de Routine Elementaire par Rayons X, France.V.le Sage
197XRF 1979Personal communication, University of Adelaide, AustraliaM.Ogasawara
214NAA 1976.08Personal communication, Tokyo Metoro. Isot. Res. Center JapanY.Tanizaki
179XRF 1972Personal communication, The Australian National Univ.,Canberra, AustraliaP.H.Beasley
183NAA 1982.12Heavy metal pollution in Osaka bay sediment(in Japanese with English abstract)Rep. Atom. Ener.Res. Inst., Kinki Univ.1929-36S.Gohda and H.Yamazaki
180NAA 1981.1Personal communication, Coverment Industrial Research Institute Nagoya, JapanT.Kawashima
180PAA 1981.12Analysis of igneous rocks by instrumental photon-activationSci. Rep. Tohoku Univ. Ser.III15101-119T.Yoshida, H.Fujimaki and K.Aoki
181.5NAA 1977.07Personal communication, Tokyo Gakugei University, JapanY.Sakakibara
183XRF 1981.1An automatic X-ray fluorescence method for the trace element analyses in silicate rocks (in Japanese with English abstract)J. Geol. Soc. Japan87675-688R.Sugisaki, T.Kinoshita, T.Shimomura and K.Ando
178XRF 1985.03Personal communication, University of Lund, SwedenZ.Solyom
182AA 1985Determination of trace elements in the silicate rocks by atomic absorption sectrophotometry(in Japanese)Comm. Pub. Prof. Yoshida, H.322-332T.Imaoka, K.Inoue and A.Minami
180INAA 1985.1Personal communication, Tokyo Gakugei University, JapanS.Ninomiya
182XRF 1985.06Personal communication, Earth Sciences Board, University of CaliforniaJ.Gill
197XRF 1985.01X-ray fluorescence analysis of trace elements in silicate rocks using fused disk samples (in Japanese with English abstract)Sci. Repts., Dept. Geol., Kyushu Univ.14117-127S.Nakada
181IDMS 1984.12Strontium isotopic consequence of the volcanic rocks from Fuji, Hakone and Izu areas(in Japanese with English abstract)Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan35637-659H.Kurasawa
183PAA 1985.12Photon-activation analysis of GSJ standard rocksRes. Rep. Lab. Nuc. Sci. Tohoku Univ.18336-350T.Yoshida and K.Aoki
184INAA 1980.02Neutron activation analysis of Japanese standard rocksJ. Radioanal. Chem.59245-248H.Nakahara, K.Masago, Y.Nakamura, K.Horiuchi and Y
182AA 1982Chemical characteristics of the sanukite from Goshikidai, Kagawa prefectureMem. Fac. Educ., Kagawa Univ., II(32)13-36A.Inazumi
176XRF 1982.04Personal communication, Univ. Tronto, CanadaO.Ujike
190XRF 1978.04Multi-element analyses of rock and sediment samples by non-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (in Japanese with English abstract)Bunseki Kagaku27193-198T.Takamatsu
161.17FAA 1981.07Personal communication, Yamagata University, JapanY.Honma
148INAA 1985.1Analysis of standard rock samples by neutron activation, x-ray fluorescence and Mossbauer Methods(Abst.,in Japanese)29 Symp. Radioch.Y.Minai, M.Ebihara, K.Sakamoto, N.Aota, R.Matsumot
180INAA 1980Comparison of different methods for activation analysis of geological and pedological samples: Reactor and epithermal neutron activation, relative and monostandard methodKFA Julich GmbH19801-46A.Alian and B.Sansoni
168AA 1987.07Personal communication, BMG, PhilippinesE.M.Macalalad
161INAA 1987.1A fully automated gamma-ray counting and data data processing system for INAA and analysis of rock reference samples (in Japanese with English abstract)Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan39537-557T.Tanaka, H.Kamioka and K.Yamanaka
181XRF 1988.1Elemental concentrations in Japanese silicate rock standards: A comparison with the literatureGeost. Newsletter12379-389K.W.Sims, E.S.Gladney, C.Lundstrom and N.W.Bower
181ICPMS 1990.06Multielement analysis of rocks with the use of geological certified reference material by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryAnalytical sciences6389-395N.Imai
171XRF 1987Determination of several trace elements in silicate rocks by an XRF method with background and matrix correctionsTalanta341027-1031J.Pascual
183INAA 1984.04Trace element analysis by neutron activation with a low flux reactor (slowpoke-II): Results for international reference rocksGeost. Newsletter817-23S.J.Barnes and M.P.Gorton
188XRF 1983Granulite-amphibolite facies metasediments from the serre (Calabria, Southern Italy): their protoliths and the processes controlling their chemistryLithos1695-111E.Maccarrone, A.Paglionico, G.Piccarreta and A.Rot
183XRF 1979Utilisation du rayonnement primaire diffuse par l'Echantillon pour une determination rapide et precise des elements traces dans les rochesX-ray Spectrometry8121-R.Vie Le Sage, J.P.Quisefit, R.Dejean De La Batie
185EXRF 1979.06Effective sample weight from scatter peaks in energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescenceAnal. Chem.51961-967P.V.Espen, L.Van Dack, F.Adams and R.V.Grieken
184EXRF 1990.1Trace element analysis of geochemical reference samples by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometryGeost. Newsletter14361-372P.C.Webb, P.J.Potts and J.S.Watson
179XRF 1989.05Quantitative analysis of the trace elements in silicate rocks by X-ray fluorescence method(in Japanese with English abstract)Earth Science43180-185S.Tamura, Y.Kobayashi and K.Shuto
180.7ICPMS 1992Determination of trace and ultra-trace elements in 32 international geostandards by ICP-MSJour.Min.Pet.Econ.Geol87107-122T.Yoshida,S.Yamasaki and A.Tsumura
180XRF 1992Personal Communication, Okayama University, JapanY.Orihashi
179.41XRF 1992XRF ANALYTICAL REPORT 2/92,Determination of Rb,Sr,Y,Zr and Ba in igneous rocks using Sc/Mo tubeGSJ Open-file ReportM.Ujiie and S.Togashi
186.0MS 1996The Sr and Nd isotopic analysis and the quantitative analysis of Rb and Sr by using MAT 261Rept.of the research resources,Mining College, Akita Univ.6117-30M.Yamamoto and T.Maruyama
180XRF 1992Quantitative analysis of Ba,Co,Cr and Vin silicate rocks by X-ray fluorescence methodContrib.Dept.Geol.Min.,NIigata Univ.7111-115Y.Kawano,N.Watanabe,K.Yamamoto and K.Shuto
184.4MS 1987Sr isotopic study of ibara dismembered ophiolite from the maizuru tectonic belt,southwest JapanReprinted from Jour.Japan.Assoc.Min.Pet.Econ.Geol.82Y.Koide,K.Tazaki and H.Kagami
177.0XRF 1997Personal communication,UNAM,MexicoRufino Lozano
181XRF 1995Major and trace element analyses of rock samples by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using Rh anode tubeDepartment of Geology, Faculty of Educaton, Iwate University and Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology, Tokoku University5589-110N. Tsuchiya, T. Hasenaka
179.0XRF 1995Major and trace element analyses of rock samples by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using Rh anode tubeDepartment of Geology, Faculty of Educaton, Iwate University and Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology, Tokoku University5589-110N. Tsuchiya, T. Hasenaka
178.4XRF 1995Major and trace element analyses of rock samples by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using Rh anode tubeDepartment of Geology, Faculty of Educaton, Iwate University and Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology, Tokoku University5589-110N. Tsuchiya, T. Hasenaka

  • Hit number : 77
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