Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JG-1
Element code : Pr
Unit : ppm

2.3SSMS 1976Analysis of JG-1 and by spark source mass spectrometryJour. Geol. Soc. Japan82215-217P.C.Rankin
4.49ICPES 1985Determination of rare earth elements in geological standard rock samples by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometryChemistry Letters981-984K.Toyoda and H.Haraguchi
5.70ICPMS 1988.03Personal communication, National Inst. Agro-Env. Sci.A.Yoshino
4.5ICPES 1985.07Personal communication, Tokyo University, JapanK.Toyoda
5.56ICPMS 1989.08Personal communication, Geological Survey of JapanN.Imai
5.4ICPMS 1990.06Multielement analysis of rocks with the use of geological certified reference material by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryAnalytical sciences6389-395N.Imai
5.1INAA 1981Determination of the rare-earth element abundances in 29 international rock standards by instrumental neutron activation analysis: A critical appraisal of calibration errorsChem. Geol.34331-352P.J.Potts, O.W.Thorpe
4.85ICPES 1988.04Determination of the rare-earth elements and yttrium in 37 international silicate reference materials by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometryGeost. Newsletter121-12K.E.Jarvis and I.Jarvis
5.26ICPMS 1989.1Determination of rare earth elements in geological samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryJ. Anal. Atomic Spectrometry4563-K.E.Jarvis
6.1ICPMS 1990Quantitative analysis of original and powdered rocks and mineral inclusions by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryAnal. Chim. Acta235381-391N.Imai
5.10ICPES 1989Determination of rare earth elements and yttrium in rocks using the plasma ⅡICP emission spectrometerAtomic Spectroscopy104-Z.Sulcek, I.Rubeska,
4.65ICPMS 1992Determination of trace and ultra-trace elements in 32 international geostandards by ICP-MSJour.Min.Pet.Econ.Geol87107-122T.Yoshida,S.Yamasaki and A.Tsumura
4.96IC 1992The rare-earth element content of GSJ rock reference Samples determined by gradient ion chromatographyGeochem. J.26241-249R.T.Watkins and
3.61ICPES 1993.09Personal Communication, Cesky Geologicky UstavI.Rubeska
5.52ICPMS 1995Analysis of rareearth elementsin standard samples of granitic rocks by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after acid digestion and alkali fusionJ.Min.Petr.Econ.Geol.90419-427M.Ujiie and N.Imai

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