Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JB-1a
Element code : Pb
Unit : ppm

6.75AA 1984Personal communication, Hiroshima Pref. Research Center Env., JapanYamashige
6.0XRF 1985.08Personal communication, Govern. Chem. Lab., Brisbane, AustraliaH.A.Olszowy
6XRF 1985.02Personal communication, British Geological Survey, EnglandD.J.Bland
11XRF 1984.12Personal communication, Sheffield Univ., EnglandR.Kanaris-Sotiriou
21CHEM 1985.05Personal communication, National Geophysical Research Institute, IndiaV.Balaram
6.9AA 1985.02Determination of major and minor elements in GSJ reference rock samples (JB-1a and JG-1a) (in Japanese with English abstract)Bunseki Kagaku34104-107T.Yamashige, M.Yamamoto, S.Terashima, Y.Shigetomi,
6XRF 1984.12Personal communication, University of Southampton, EnglandI.W.Croudace
7AA 1984.03Personal communication, Geological Survey of JapanS.Terashima
7XRF 1986.04Personal communication, New Mexico Institute of Mining and TechnologyP.R.Kyle
7.2AA 1987.04Elemental concentrations in nine new Japanese rock reference samplesGeost. Newsletter1175-77S.Terashima and A.Ando
8.3AA 1987.02Personal communication, Vernadsky Inst. Geoch. Anal. Chem.,USSRB.F.Myasoedov
7.5FAA 1987.06Determination of lead in standard rocks by graphite furnace AAS (in Japanese with English abstract)Bunseki Kagaku37112-115A.Matsumoto, Y.Saito, K.Kimura
<10AA 1987.07Personal communication, BMG, PhilippinesE.M.Macalalad
5.4OES 1988.02Personal communication, USSR Academy of Sciences Siberian BranchV.P.Afonin
18XRF 1989.03Personal communication, Ministry Ener. Mines., Caracas, VenezuelaH.Takeda
4.59ICPMS 1992Determination of trace and ultra-trace elements in 32 international geostandards by ICP-MSJour.Min.Pet.Econ.Geol87107-122T.Yoshida,S.Yamasaki and A.Tsumura
6.0XRF 1991Quantitatie analysis of rock samples by XRFThe Rigaku-Denki.J.2228-44Goto
6.23ICPMS 1993.04Simultaneous determination of thirty-seven trace elements in twenty-eight international rock standards by ICP-MSGeost. Newsletter1781-97CD.Garbe-Schonberg
6.3XRF 1993.04XRF and INAA determinations of major and trace elements in geological survey of Japan igneous and sedimentary rock stadardsGeost. Newsletter17127-133R.B.Hallett and
8.22SSMS 1994Trace element analysis of GSJ silicate reference materials:Comparison of SSMS with ICP-MS data and a critical discussion of compiled valuesFresenius.J.Anal.Chem350310-318K.P.Jochum and G.Jenner
6.2ICPMS 1994Trace element analysis of GSJ silicate reference materials:Comparison of SSMS with ICP-MS data and a critical discussion of compiled valuesFresenius.J.Anal.Chem350310-318K.P.Jochum and G.Jenner
4.9XRF 1995Analysis of Pressed Pellets of Geological Samples Using Wavelength-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence SpectrometryX-ray Spectrometry24123-136H.P.Longerich
6.87XRF 2000Quantitave chemical analyses of rocks by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using a mixed alkali fluxDepartment of Earth Science, Faculty of ScienceK Umemoto, T Imaoka, T Yamasaki and M Owada
7.17XRF 2000Quantitave chemical analyses of rocks by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using a mixed alkali fluxDepartment of Earth Science, Faculty of ScienceK Umemoto, T Imaoka, T Yamasaki and M Owada
7XRF 1995Major and trace element analyses of rock samples by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using Rh anode tubeDepartment of Geology, Faculty of Educaton, Iwate University and Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology, Tokoku University5589-110N. Tsuchiya, T. Hasenaka

  • Hit number : 25
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