Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JLs-1
Element code : Ni
Unit : ppm

<4ICPES 1987.02Personal communication, Geological Survey of JapanK.Kikkawa
0.30AA 1987.06Personal communication, Gunma University, JapanS.Aizawa and H.Akaiwa
<10AA 1987.11Personal communication, Govern. Chem. Lab., Brisbane, AustraliaH.A.Olszowy, R.Sumner, J.Hegarty, P.Smith and P.Fu
<0.5AA 1987.12Personal communication, Vernadsky Inst. Geoch. Anal. Chem.,USSRB.F.Myasoedov
<10AA 1988.01Personal communication, BMG, PhilippinesE.M.Macalalad
0.36AA 1988.02Personal communication, Gunma University, JapanH.Akaiwa and S.Aizawa
0.47INAA 1989.03Personal communication, Musashi Institute of Technology, JapanS.Hirai and S.Suzuki
0.33AA 1989.12Chemical composition of GSJ rock standard samples (JLs-1:Limestone and JDo-1:Dolomite) (in Japanese with English abstract)Chikyukagaku2369-75S.Aizawa and H.Akaiwa
<2XRF 1990.01Personal communication, IFREMER, Centre de Brest, FranceJ.Etoubleau
0.3AA 1990.04Elemental concentrations in nine new GSJ rock reference samples 'sedimentary rock series'Geost. Newsletter141-5S.Terashima, A.Ando, T.Okai, Y.Kanai, M.Taniguchi,
<4ICPES 1990Identification of tephra layers by inductively coupled plasma(ICP) emission spectrometry, and their applications (in Japanese with English abstract)J. Geography9911-26K.Kikkawa
0.9PAA 1991.09Major and trace elemental abundances of the GSJ sedimentary rock reference samplesJ.Japan Assoc.Min. Pet.Econ.Geol86432-437K.Ishikawa,T.Yoshida and
<0.5ICPMS 1993.04Simultaneous determination of thirty-seven trace elements in twenty-eight international rock standards by ICP-MSGeost. Newsletter1781-97CD.Garbe-Schonberg
0.41ICPES 1993.06Personal Communication, Continental Lime Inc., USAS.Berman
3XRF 1996Personal communication, Institut fur Geowissenschaften,GermanyFrau N.Groschopf
<0.8ICPES 1998Personal communication,Association of cement,Tokyo,JapanH.Anzai
0.319FAA 1999Personal communication,Universite Paris 6,FranceG.Richebois
〈8XRF 1999Personal communication,Institute of Geology,EstoniaT.Kiipli
3OES 1999Personarl Communication, Institute of Geology, EstoniaT. Kiipli

  • Hit number : 19
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