Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JB-1
Element code : Mn
Unit : %

0.1190NAA 1976.08Personal communication, Tokyo Metoro. Isot. Res. Center JapanY.Tanizaki
0.1160NAA 1981.1Personal communication, Coverment Industrial Research Institute Nagoya, JapanT.Kawashima
0.1000NAA 1979.02Personal communication, Nihon Inspection Ltd., Tokyo Res. Center, JapanY.Saito
0.115INAA 1980.02Neutron activation analysis of Japanese standard rocksJ. Radioanal. Chem.59245-248H.Nakahara, K.Masago, Y.Nakamura, K.Horiuchi and Y
0.1161ICPES 1984.03Personal communication, Government Industrial Research Institute, Chugoku, JapanS.Hirata
0.1030XRF 1983Determination of multi elements in sediments by X-ray fluorescenceAnnual Rep. Yokohama Res. Inst. for Env. Sci.8103-110Y.Shirayanagi
0.13NAA 1977.04Depth profiles of chemical elements in pelagic clay sedimentsGeoch. J.11171-176S.Tanaka, S.Shibata, P.Y.Chen, C.H.Ke and S.J.Yeh
0.1167XRF 1978.04Multi-element analyses of rock and sediment samples by non-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (in Japanese with English abstract)Bunseki Kagaku27193-198T.Takamatsu
0.1225AA 1981.07Personal communication, Yamagata University, JapanY.Honma
0.1284AA 1983.1Personal communication, Geological Survey of JapanS.Yokota
0.1150AA 1987.03Geochemical map of heavy metal elements in soils from the northern Hokkaido (in Japanese with English abstract)J. Geol. Surv. Hokkaido171-30K.Suga and K.Kurosawa
0.1291AA 1989.1Analysis of geochemical reference materials using simultaneous multi-element atomic absorption spectrometryGeost. Newsletter13205-215J.S.Kane
0.1004SIMS 1989.1Quantitative SIMS of rock reference samplesGeoch. J.23215-236H.Yurimoto, A.Yamashita, N.Nishida and S.Sueno
0.1226ICPES 1984The preparation of iron-free solutions from geological materials for the determination of boron (and other elements) by inductively-coupled plasma emission spectrometryAnal. Chim. Acta159387-391V.K.Din
0.112EXRF 1979Multi-element analysis of geological samples by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescenceAnal. Chim. Acta10985-95P.Verbeke and F.Adams
0.1140EXRF 1979Soil analysis by thin-film energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescenceAnal. Chim. Acta10893-101R.V.Grieken, L.Van Dack,
0.128INAA 1982Matrix effects of epithermal neutron activation analysis of various kinds of reference materialsJ. Radioanal. Chem.72377-391H.Nakahara, M.Tsukada,
0.1200PIXE 1986Analysis of geological standards with PIXE and PIGE technioues applications to volcanic rocksJ. Radio. Nuc. Chem., Articles102131-141I.Brissaud, A.de Chateau-Thierry, J.P.Frontier and
0.131INAA 1996Multi-element determination by a cold neutron-induced prompt gamma-ray analysis12C.Yonezawa

  • Hit number : 19
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