Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JB-1
Element code : Mg
Unit : %

4.8600ICPES 1984.03Personal communication, Government Industrial Research Institute, Chugoku, JapanS.Hirata
4.62AA 1975.04Personal communication, Res. Center Jujo Paper Co. Ltd., JapanM.Tuchiya
5.01XRF 1975.09Personal communicatin, Kochi Pref. Res. Center Env. Prot., JapanJ.Yamamoto
4.7238AA 1981.07Personal communication, Yamagata University, JapanY.Honma
4.2313SIMS 1989.1Quantitative SIMS of rock reference samplesGeoch. J.23215-236H.Yurimoto, A.Yamashita, N.Nishida and S.Sueno
4.67EXRF 1979Multi-element analysis of geological samples by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescenceAnal. Chim. Acta10985-95P.Verbeke and F.Adams
4.67INAA 1982Matrix effects of epithermal neutron activation analysis of various kinds of reference materialsJ. Radioanal. Chem.72377-391H.Nakahara, M.Tsukada,
3.10PIXE 1986Analysis of geological standards with PIXE and PIGE technioues applications to volcanic rocksJ. Radio. Nuc. Chem., Articles102131-141I.Brissaud, A.de Chateau-Thierry, J.P.Frontier and

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