Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JB-1a
Element code : LOI
Unit : %

2.17GRAV 1985.03Personal communication, University of Lund, SwedenZ.Solyom
0.58GRAV 1985.03Personal communication, The Transvaal Coal Owners Association, Richmond, South AfricaS.Naidoo
0.70GRAV 1985.02Personal communication, IFREMER, Centre de Brest, FranceJ.Etoubleau
1.63GRAV 1985.08Personal communication, Govern. Chem. Lab., Brisbane, AustraliaH.A.Olszowy
2.33GRAV 1985.08Personal communication, Franklin & Marshall College, PennsylvaniaS.A.Mertzman
0.30GRAV 1984.12Personal communication, Sheffield Univ., EnglandR.Kanaris-Sotiriou
2.16CHEM 1985.05Personal communication, National Geophysical Research Institute, IndiaV.Balaram
1.41GRAV 1984.12Personal communication, University of Southampton, EnglandI.W.Croudace
0.44GRAV 1984.06Personal communication, University of AdelaideJ.Stanley
1.93GRAV 1986.04Personal communication, Univ. Padova, ItalyB.Zanettin
0.72GRAV 1987.07Personal communication, BMG, PhilippinesE.M.Macalalad
0.50XRF 1993.04XRF and INAA determinations of major and trace elements in geological survey of Japan igneous and sedimentary rock stadardsGeost. Newsletter17127-133R.B.Hallett and
2.07XRF 1996Major and trace element analysis of fifteen japanese igneous reference rocks by XRFS and INAAGeostandards Newsletter2087-94John Stix,Michael P.Gorton,Eric Fontaine

  • Hit number : 13
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