Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JB-1
Element code : In
Unit : ppm

0.28NAA 1979.02Personal communication, Nihon Inspection Ltd., Tokyo Res. Center, JapanY.Saito
0.0546IDMS 1985.1Determination of Ga,In,Tl and Ti by mass spectrometry(Abst.)1985 Annual Meet. Japan Geoch. Soc.161T.Saito, H.Shimizu and A.Masuda
0.0529RNAA 1987.1Rapid determination of trace indium in silicate samples by epithernal neutron activation analysis(Abst.)31 Symp. Radioch.130-131M.Ebihara, A.Nemoto and
0.068INAA 1987.1Rapid determination of trace indium in silicate samples by epithernal neutron activation analysis(Abst.)31 Symp. Radioch.130-131M.Ebihara, A.Nemoto and
0.0546IDMS 1988.05Determination of Ga, In and Tl in standard rock specimens and chondrites by stable isotope dilutionGeoch. J.21237-245T.Saito, H.Shimizu and A.Masuda
0.056AA 2001Determination of indium and tellurium in sixty one geological reference materias by solvent extraction graphite furnance atomic absorption spectrometryGeostandards Newsletter25127-132S.Terashima

  • Hit number : 6
    e-mail: GSJRM