Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JA-2
Element code : In
Unit : ppm

<0.15INAA 1988.1Elemental concentrations in Japanese silicate rock standards: A comparison with the literatureGeost. Newsletter12379-389K.W.Sims, E.S.Gladney, C.Lundstrom and N.W.Bower
36.0FAA 1990.12Determination of trace concentrations of indium in silicate rocks by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometryAnalyst1151535-1537R.Kuroda, T.Wada, T.Soma, N.Itsubo and K.Oguma
0.037AA 2001Determination of indium and tellurium in sixty one geological reference materias by solvent extraction graphite furnance atomic absorption spectrometryGeostandards Newsletter25127-132S.Terashima

  • Hit number : 3
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