Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JG-1
Element code : I
Unit : ppm

0.015CHEM 1973Personal communication, Yamanashi Univ., JapanT.Fukasawa
0.0091NAA 1987.05Personal communication, Gunma University, JapanH.Akaiwa and M.Ebihara
10RNAA 1994Cl,Br and I in igneous standard rocksChem. Geol.115213-225T.Shinonaga, M.Ebihara, H.Nakahara, K.Tomura and K
0.050ICPMS 1997Personal communication,National Institute of Radiological Science, Ibaraki, JapanY.Muramatsu and K.H.Wedepohl
0.008ICPMS 1999Iodine(and Other Halogens)in Twenty Six Geological Reference Materials by ICP-MS and lon ChromatographyGeostandards Newsletter22181-186B.Schnetger,Y.Muramatsu and S.Yoshida

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