Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JG-1
Element code : Hg
Unit : ppb

15AA 1975.01Personal communication, Service Analyse et Contro, Complexe Scientifique, Canada.J. Gagnon
10AA 1976Proposal and tentative plan of environmental maps-From an example in the distribution of trace heavy metals on the basis of the difference of geological structurePollution and Counter-measure1312-19K.Okada, T.Yamamoto, Y.Tanaka. K.Kusunoki, M.Miyah
17AA 1977Mercury in rice soils developed on saga polder lands, northern Kyushu, JapanPlant and Soil4749-61S.Goto and H.Koga
14AA 1978Personal communication, Kumamoto Univ., JapanI.Sanemasa
18.1AA 1982Personal communicaction, Geological Survey of JapanK.Kato
26.8AA 1982Mercury in geologic reference samplesF.J.Flanagan, R.Moore and P.J.Aruscavage
19AA 1983Personal communication, Mitsui Metal Mining Co. LTD, JapanM.Nakao
10AA 1987.03Geochemical map of heavy metal elements in soils from the northern Hokkaido (in Japanese with English abstract)J. Geol. Surv. Hokkaido171-30K.Suga and K.Kurosawa
19AA 1994Personal communication, Geological Survey of JapanS.Terashima
20.26FAA 1995Personal communication,Geo.Sci.Lab.,PakistanA. Iqbal

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