Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JG-1
Element code : H2O-
Unit : %

0.09CHEM 1968Personal communication, Tokyo Univ., JapanH.Haramura
0.09CHEM 1967Personal communication, U.S.Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado, USAE.L.Munson
0.05CHEM 1967Personal communication, Asahi Glass Co LTD, JapanM.Funaoka, Asahi Glass Co.Ltd.
0.05CHEM 1967Personal communication, Onoda Sement Co., JapanOnoda Sement Co.Ltd.
0.06CHEM 1967Personal communicaction, Nittetsu Mining Co. LTD, Mitaka Research Centre, JapanNittetsu Mining Co.Ltd.
0.07CHEM 1968Quated in Maxell,J.A.(1968)J.L.Bouvier
0.06CHEM 1969Personal communication, Tohoku Univ., Japan.K.Aoki
0.08CHEM 1969Quated in Y.Ueda (1969)H.Onuki
0.06CHEM 1969Personal communicaction, Tohoku Univ., JapanY.Kato
*0.33CHEM 1970Quoted in K.Nagashima (1970)K.Nakao
0.11CHEM 1970Personal communicaction, Geological Survey of JapanMaeda K.
0.07CHEM 1970Personal communication, Geological Suevey of Japan, Sendai, Japan.T.Abe
0.03CHEM 1968Personal communication, Nihon Cement Res.Lob., JapanNihon Cement Res.Lob.
0.08CHEM 1968Personal communication, Nogoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, JapanY.Hikichi
*0.28CHEM 1970Personal communication, Hokkaido Univ., JapanY.Ohba
*0.20CHEM 1970Personal communicaction, Yamaguchi Univ., Yamaguchi, JapanM.Murakami
0.08CHEM 1970Personal communication, Kyushu Univ., JapanK.Ishibashi
0.07CHEM 1970Personal communication, Geological Survey of JapanT.Omori
*0.22CHEM 1970JB-1 and JG-1 -Geological Survey of Japan silicate rock standards-J. Geol. Sco. Japan76441-447T.Tiba
0.09CHEM 1971Collective analysis of silicate rocks in the mass and analyses of standard rocks-With special reference to carbonate bearing silicate rocks-.J. Geol. Soc. Japan77453-463R.Sugisaki and T.Tanaka
0.08CHEM 1972Personal communication, Tokyo Coal and Mineral Lab., Tokyo, JapanK.Ohta
0.11CHEM 1972Personal communication, Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, JapanH.Shirahata
0.08CHEM 1974Personal communicaction, Mitsubishi Mining Cement Research Lab., JapanG.Maruyama and M.Suda
0.04CHEM 1975.01Personal communication, Service Analyse et Contro, Complexe Scientifique, Canada.J. Gagnon
0.1CHEM 1975Personal communication, Bern Univ., SwitzerlandT.Hugi
0.04GRAV 1985.03Personal communication, University of Lund, SwedenZ.Solyom
0.08GRAV 1985.02Determination of major and minor elements in GSJ reference rock samples (JB-1a and JG-1a) (in Japanese with English abstract)Bunseki Kagaku34104-107T.Yamashige, M.Yamamoto, S.Terashima, Y.Shigetomi,
0.06GRAV 1985.12Photon-activation analysis of GSJ standard rocksRes. Rep. Lab. Nuc. Sci. Tohoku Univ.18336-350T.Yoshida and K.Aoki
0.12GRAV 1981.07Personal communication, Yamagata University, JapanY.Honma
0.04GRAV 1985.11Analytical data on the GSJ geochemical reference samples of JA-1, JB-1, JB-2, JB-3, JG-1, JGb-1, JR-1 and JR-2Bull. Hiruzen Res. Institute, Okayama Univ. Sci.1115-21H.Nishido, Y.Ye, T.Sakamoto and A.Doi

  • Hit number : 30
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