Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JSd-2
Element code : Gd
Unit : ppm

3.4ICPES 1990.02Personal communication, Geological Survey of CanadaD.C.Gregoire
2.2ICPES 1990.04Personal communication, Geological Survey of IndiaB.G.Rao
<1XRF 1990.04Personal communication, Govern. Chem. Lab., Brisbane, AustraliaH.A.Olszowy, J.Hegarty, P.Smith, R.Sumner, S.Mckeo
2.86ICPMS 1993.04Simultaneous determination of thirty-seven trace elements in twenty-eight international rock standards by ICP-MSGeost. Newsletter1781-97CD.Garbe-Schonberg
2.225ICPES 1993.09Personal Communication, Cesky Geologicky UstavI.Rubeska
3.3NAA 1996Measurement of thermal neutron absorption cross section in selected geochemical refernce materialsGeostandards Newstetter2079-85P.K.Harvey,M.A.Lovell,T.S.Brewer,J.Locke and E.Man
3.14ICPMS 2001Reference Materials for Geochmical Studies: New Analytical Data by ICP-MS and Critical Discussion of Reference ValuesGeostandards Newsletter2587-125P. Dulski

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