Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JB-1
Element code : Gd
Unit : ppm

4.80IDMS 1971Personal communication, Geological Suevey of Japan.T.Tanaka and A.Masuda
4.84IDMS 1974Personal communication, Geological Suevey of Japan.T.Tanaka
5.9SSMS 1976Analysis of JG-1 and by spark source mass spectrometryJour. Geol. Soc. Japan82215-217P.C.Rankin
5.2NAA 1976Personal communication, The Open University, Walton Hall, England.P.J. Potts
3.8NAA 1978Instrumental neutron activation analysis of twenty-nine international geochemical reference samplesGeost. Newsletter2187-197S.Pall
4.7ICPES 1985.07Personal communication, Tokyo University, JapanK.Toyoda
4.73INAA 1982REE patterns of the metasedimentary rocks of the land's end granite aureole (southwest England)Chem. Geol.35265-280P.Mitropoulos
4.82IDMS 1975Geological significance of rare earth elements in Japanese geosynclinal basaltsContrib. Mineral. Petrol.52233-246T.Tanaka
4.73ICPES 1985Determination of rare earth elements in geological standard rock samples by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometryChemistry Letters981-984K.Toyoda and H.Haraguchi
4.79NAA 1985.08Reevaluation of rare earth element abundances in Japanese standard rock samples, JG-1 and JB-1Analytical Sciences1209-213M.Ebihara, Y.Minai, M.K.Kubo, T.Tominaga, N.Aota,
4.65IDMS 1984.1Precise determination of Ho in meteorite and standard rocks by isotope dilution (Abst.,in Japanese)1984 Annual Meet. Japan Geoch. Soc.138O.Kawakami and A.Masuda
5.16ICPMS 1988.12Precise determination of rare earth elements in geological standard rocks by inductively coupled plasma source mass spectrometryAnalytical Sciences4637-643T.Hirata, H.Shimizu, T.Akagi, H.Sawatari and A.Mas
5.67ICPMS 1989.08Personal communication, Geological Survey of JapanN.Imai
4.7SIMS 1989.1Quantitative SIMS of rock reference samplesGeoch. J.23215-236H.Yurimoto, A.Yamashita, N.Nishida and S.Sueno
4.73INAA 1982REE patterns of the metasedimentary rocks of the land's end granite aureole (Southwest England)Chem. Geol.35265-280P.Mitropoulos
4.5INAA 1981Determination of the rare-earth element abundances in 29 international rock standards by instrumental neutron activation analysis: A critical appraisal of calibration errorsChem. Geol.34331-352P.J.Potts, O.W.Thorpe
5.7SIMS 1985In situ rare-earth element analysis of coexisting pyroxene and plagioclase by secondary ion mass spectrometryChem. Geol.53325-333N.D.Macrae and J.B.Metson
5.28ICPES 1988Determination of rare earth elements in geological samples by inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry after oxalate coprecipitation and cation-exchange column separationAnal. Chim. Acta208163-172K.Iwasaki and H.Haraguchi
5.8INAA 1984Petrology of basalts from the Mohns-Knipovich ridge; the Norwegian-Greenland seaContrib. Mineral. Petrol85209-223E.R.Neumann and J.G.Schilling
4.31ICPES 1988.04Determination of the rare-earth elements and yttrium in 37 international silicate reference materials by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometryGeost. Newsletter121-12K.E.Jarvis and I.Jarvis
5.22XRF 1980Geochemistry of the upper Snooks Arm Group basalts, burlington peninsula, Newfoundland: evidence against formation in an island arcCan. J. Earth Sci.17888-900G.A.Jenner and B.J.Fryer
4.9INAA 1981The scourie dyke suite: petrogenesis and geochemical nature of the proterozoic sub-continental mantleContrib. Mineral. Petrol78175-188B.L.Weaver and J.Tarney
4.17SSMS 1981Determination of rare-earth elements in rocks by spark source mass spectrometry and isotope dilution after ion-exchange separation in mixed solventsFresenius Z. Anal. Chem.309312-315J.V.Puymbroeck and R.Gijbels
4.93IDMS 1989Volcanism in nascent back-arc basins behind the shichito ridge and adjacent areas in the Izu-Ogasawara arc, northwest Pacific: evidence for mixing between E-type MORB and island arc magmas at the initiation of back-arc riftingContrib. Mineral. Petrol101377-393Y.Ikeda and M.Yuasa
4.81ICPES 1989Determination of rare earth elements and yttrium in rocks using the plasma ⅡICP emission spectrometerAtomic Spectroscopy104-Z.Sulcek, I.Rubeska,
4.84ICPES 1988Chemical analysis of REE and trace metals in GSJ rock reference samples by ICPJ.Japan Assoc.Min Pet.Econ.Geol83102-106M.Tagiri and A.Fujinawa
4.75ICPMS 1992Determination of trace and ultra-trace elements in 32 international geostandards by ICP-MSJour.Min.Pet.Econ.Geol87107-122T.Yoshida,S.Yamasaki and A.Tsumura
4.66IC 1992The rare-earth element content of GSJ rock reference Samples determined by gradient ion chromatographyGeochem. J.26241-249R.T.Watkins and
4.64IC 1995Analysis of rare-earth elements in rock samples by ion chromatography using alpha-HIBA as an eluentJ.Japan Assoc.Min Pet.Econ.Geol90103-108Y.Asahara, T.Tanaka and H.Yamamoto
4.75INAA 1996Multi-element determination by a cold neutron-induced prompt gamma-ray analysis12C.Yonezawa
3.99ICPMS 1997Personal communication,Koberuko Co., JapanSomeya
5.37ICPMS 1998Personal communication,K.Ishida,Kyushyu,Univ,JapanK.Ishida
5.00ICPMS 1997Suppression of Matrix Effects In ICP-MS by High Power Operation of ICP:Application to Precise Determination of Rb,Sr,Y,Cs,Ba,REE,pb,Th and U at ng g Levels in Milligram Silicate Samples  Geostandards Newsletter21307-319A.Makishima and E.Nakamura

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