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Sample code : JG-3
Element code : Fe
Unit : %

2.54INAA 1987.09Personal communication, National Sci. Museum, Tokyo, JapanF.Wakabayashi and M.Shima
2.54INAA 1989.11The problems in the analyses of geological materials by INAA -An examination of the analytical results of GSJ rock reference samplesJ. Geol. Soc. Japan95835-850H.Kamioka and T.Tanaka
2.4845INAA 1989.12Personal communication, Kanazawa UniversityA.Ishiwatari
2.54INAA 1996A Self-Consistent Compilation of Elemental Concentration Data for 93 Geochemical Reference SamplesGeostandards Newsletter20217-245Randy L.Korotev
3.57NM 1999Quantiative evaluation of interference of nuclear reaction in INAA and PAA and their application for simultaneous analaysis of rocks and plant samplesDoctor Thesis,Kanazawa Univ.Japan1-220Y. Miyamoto

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