value | technique | year | title_of_literature<MAX120col.> | journal<MAX120col.> | vol | page | name<MAX80col.> |
250 | ISE | 1990.04 | Personal communication, Govern. Chem. Lab., Brisbane, Australia | H.A.Olszowy, J.Hegarty, P.Smith, R.Sumner, S.Mckeo | |||
100 | UU | 1990.05 | Personal Communication, U.S. Geological Survey, Lakewood | J.S.Kane, J.G.Crock, W.H.Ficklin, C.S.Papp and J.D | |||
298 | FAA | 1990 | Personal communication, U.S. Geological Survey | H.N.Elsheimer and | |||
275 | ISE | 1991.09 | Major and trace elemental abundances of the GSJ sedimentary rock reference samples | J.Japan Assoc.Min. Pet.Econ.Geol | 86 | 432-437 | K.Ishikawa,T.Yoshida and |
370 | CHEM | 1994 | Personal Communication, Czech Geol. surv, Czech Republic | I.Rubeska |