Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JG-1
Element code : F
Unit : ppm

500COLOR 1967Personal communication, U.S.Geological Survey, Denver, Colorado, USAE.L.Munson
800*COLOR 1968Personal communication, Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, CanadaJ.G.S.Gupta
482COLOR 1974Multielement photon activation analysis of rock materials with 30 Mev bremsstrahlungRadiochim. Acta191-6N.Sato, T.Kato and N.Suzuki
521ISE 1973Personal communication, Nihon Cement Res. Lab., Tokyo, JapanN.Toda
470ISE 1973Personal communication, Nihon Cement Res. Lab., JapanS.Uchida
510COLOR 1973Behavior of fluorine during sedimentary processes-Fluorine contents of sedimentary rocks from Tomioka, southern Gunma Prefecture, JapanGeochem. J.71-9H.Akaiwa and S.Aizawa
491COLOR 1974Spectrophotometric determinatin of chlorine and fluorine in the standard silicate rocks.Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan25175-179S.Terashima
513ISE 1974Personal communication, Geological Survey of Czechoslovakia, Prague, CzechoslovakiaI.Rubeska
500VOLU 1977A modified procedure for the determination of the fluorine content in the geological materials.Acta Geologica Taiwanica1955-61C.C.Youh
514ISE 1979Content and behavior of fluorine in granitic rocks, Kitakami Mountains, northeast JapanChemical Geology2457-67S.Kanizawa
487ISE 1979Fluorine content in some standard samplesJ. Mineralogy, Petrology and Econ. Geol.74421-422Y.Kato
489COLOR 1981The water in Ehime Pref. (XIV) Relation between geology adn fluorine concentration of natural water in Ehime Pref.Annual Rep. Ehime Pref. Inst. Public Health4227-30T.Taekchi
474ISE 1982Analytical method for the determination of fluorine in rock samplesProceeding of Annual Stuff Meeting of Smeltery32217-227S.Ono et al
502ISE 1985.1Separation of microamounts of fluoride coexisting with large amounts of aluminum and silica by improved trimethylsilylating distillationAnal. Chim. Acta176151-159K.Tsuchiya, T.Imagawa, K.Yamaya and M.Yoshida
514XRF 1989.04Rapid non-destructive determination of fluorine in seventy-one geological and other reference samples using fast-neutron activation analysisGeost. Newsletter1369-73K.Randle and I.W.Croudace

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