Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JB-1
Element code : F
Unit : ppm

372COLOR 1973Personal communication, Osaka City University, Osaka, JapanY.Sakuramoto
433ISE 1973Personal communication, Nihon Cement Res. Lab., Tokyo, JapanN.Toda
390ISE 1973Personal communication, Nihon Cement Res. Lab., JapanS.Uchida
360COLOR 1973Behavior of fluorine during sedimentary processes-Fluorine contents of sedimentary rocks from Tomioka, southern Gunma Prefecture, JapanGeochem. J.71-9H.Akaiwa and S.Aizawa
365COLOR 1974Spectrophotometric determinatin of chlorine and fluorine in the standard silicate rocks.Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan25175-179S.Terashima
419ISE 1974Personal communication, Geological Survey of Czechoslovakia, Prague, CzechoslovakiaI.Rubeska
300VOLU 1977A modified procedure for the determination of the fluorine content in the geological materials.Acta Geologica Taiwanica1955-61C.C.Youh
421ISE 1979Content and behavior of fluorine in granitic rocks, Kitakami Mountains, northeast JapanChemical Geology2457-67S.Kanizawa
380ISE 1979Fluorine content in some standard samplesJ. Mineralogy, Petrology and Econ. Geol.74421-422Y.Kato
398COLOR 1981The water in Ehime Pref. (XIV) Relation between geology adn fluorine concentration of natural water in Ehime Pref.Annual Rep. Ehime Pref. Inst. Public Health4227-30T.Taekchi
392IC 1982Analytical method for the determination of fluorine in rock samplesProceeding of Annual Stuff Meeting of Smeltery32217-227S.Ono et al
403ISE 1985.1Separation of microamounts of fluoride coexisting with large amounts of aluminum and silica by improved trimethylsilylating distillationAnal. Chim. Acta176151-159K.Tsuchiya, T.Imagawa, K.Yamaya and M.Yoshida
400ISE 1978.1Separation of fluorine by a microdiffusion method aided by hexamethyldisiloxaneJ. Chem. Soc. Japan(10)1375-1379M.Yoshida, Y.Makihara and T.Katsura
370COLOR 1978.1Separation of fluorine by a microdiffusion method aided by hexamethyldisiloxaneJ. Chem. Soc. Japan(10)1375-1379M.Yoshida, Y.Makihara and T.Katsura
372XRF 1989.04Rapid non-destructive determination of fluorine in seventy-one geological and other reference samples using fast-neutron activation analysisGeost. Newsletter1369-73K.Randle and I.W.Croudace
0.023CHEM 1994Personal Communication, Czech Geol. surv, Czech RepublicI.Rubeska

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