value | technique | year | title_of_literature<MAX120col.> | journal<MAX120col.> | vol | page | name<MAX80col.> |
0.0368 | INAA | 1987.09 | Personal communication, National Sci. Museum, Tokyo, Japan | F.Wakabayashi and M.Shima | |||
0.0368 | INAA | 1987.12 | Determination of major and trace elements in nine Japanese geochemical standard rock samples by instrumental neutron activation analysis | Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, Ser. E | 10 | 14-19 | F.Wakabayashi |
<0.05 | INAA | 1988.1 | Elemental concentrations in Japanese silicate rock standards: A comparison with the literature | Geost. Newsletter | 12 | 379-389 | K.W.Sims, E.S.Gladney, C.Lundstrom and N.W.Bower |
0.036 | NAA | 1988.12 | Neutron activation analysis of Japanese standard rock samples II | Bull. Natn. Sci. Mus.,Tokyo Ser. E | 11 | 9-16 | F.Wakabayashi |
<0.143 | INAA | 1989.03 | Personal communication, Musashi Institute of Technology, Japan | S.Hirai and S.Suzuki | |||
0.018 | RNAA | 1991.1 | Activation analysis of GSJ rock standard samples -Sedimentary rock series- (Abst.,in Japanese) | 1991 Annual Meet. Japan Geoch. Soc. | 201 | Y.Oura, N.Aota, S.Kosanda, Y.Miyamoto, T.Okui, Y.K | |
0.003 | IC | 1992 | The rare-earth element content of GSJ rock reference Samples determined by gradient ion chromatography | Geochem. J. | 26 | 241-249 | R.T.Watkins and |
0.004 | IC | 1993.06 | Personal Communication, University of Cape Town, South Africa | R.T.Watkins | |||
<0.13 | ICPES | 1993.09 | Personal Communication, Cesky Geologicky Ustav | I.Rubeska | |||
0.018 | NAA | 1994 | Neutron Activation analysis of fufteen GSJ igneous rock reference samples | Geostandards Newsletter | 18 | 65-84 | N.Aota,Y.Miyamoto,S.Kosanda,Y.Oura and K.Sakamoto |
<0.01 | SSMS | 1994 | Trace element analysis of GSJ silicate reference materials:Comparison of SSMS with ICP-MS data and a critical discussion of compiled values | Fresenius.J.Anal.Chem | 350 | 310-318 | K.P.Jochum and G.Jenner |
<0.02 | INAA | 1996 | A Self-Consistent Compilation of Elemental Concentration Data for 93 Geochemical Reference Samples | Geostandards Newsletter | 20 | 217-245 | Randy L.Korotev |
1.7 | RNAA | 1995 | Radiochemical neutron activation analysis of trace lanthanoids in geological and cosmochemical samples | Fresenius J Anal Chem | 351 | 514-520 | M.Ebihara,S.Kimura and H.Akaiwa |
0.0034 | ICPMS | 1997 | Suppression of Matrix Effects In ICP-MS by High Power Operation of ICP:Application to Precise Determination of Rb,Sr,Y,Cs,Ba,REE,pb,Th and U at ng g Levels in Milligram Silicate Samples   | Geostandards Newsletter | 21 | 307-319 | A.Makishima and E.Nakamura |
0.0021 | ICPMS | 2001 | Reference Materials for Geochmical Studies: New Analytical Data by ICP-MS and Critical Discussion of Reference Values | Geostandards Newsletter | 25 | 87-125 | P. Dulski |