Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JG-1
Element code : Ce
Unit : ppm

42.4IDMS 1971Personal communication, NASA, Goddard, Maryland, U.S.A.H.Nagasawa
42.85IDMS 1971Personal communication, Science University of Tokyo, JapanN.Nakamura and A.Masuda
41.9NAA 1971Personal communicaction, University of Osaka Prefecture, JapanY.Masuda and Yagi
47NAA 1974Some trace element data and their interpretation for several new reference samples obtained by neutron activation analysisChem. Geol.13237-256K.Randle
44.5PAA 1974Multielement photon activation analysis of rock materials with 30 Mev bremsstrahlungRadiochim. Acta191-6N.Sato, T.Kato and N.Suzuki
47NAA 1978Instrumental neutron activation analysis of twenty-nine international geochemical reference samplesGeost. Newsletter2187-197S.Pall
18SSMS 1976Analysis of JG-1 and by spark source mass spectrometryJour. Geol. Soc. Japan82215-217P.C.Rankin
49.4NAA 1976Personal communication, The Open University, Walton Hall, England.P.J. Potts
52NAA 1976.08Personal communication, Tokyo Metoro. Isot. Res. Center JapanY.Tanizaki
53.0NAA 1982.12Heavy metal pollution in Osaka bay sediment(in Japanese with English abstract)Rep. Atom. Ener.Res. Inst., Kinki Univ.1929-36S.Gohda and H.Yamazaki
56NAA 1981.1Personal communication, Coverment Industrial Research Institute Nagoya, JapanT.Kawashima
39PAA 1981.12Analysis of igneous rocks by instrumental photon-activationSci. Rep. Tohoku Univ. Ser.III15101-119T.Yoshida, H.Fujimaki and K.Aoki
40INAA 1979.03Application of instrumental neutron activation analysis for environmental samplesRep. Ministry of Educ.(1)122-124H.Hamaguchi, N.Nonaka, H.Fukushima and H.Higuchi
52.0NAA 1977.07Personal communication, Tokyo Gakugei University, JapanY.Sakakibara
38INAA 1985.1Personal communication, Tokyo Gakugei University, JapanS.Ninomiya
42XRF 1985.06Personal communication, Earth Sciences Board, University of CaliforniaJ.Gill
42.9ICPES 1985.07Personal communication, Tokyo University, JapanK.Toyoda
46.5PAA 1985.12Photon-activation analysis of GSJ standard rocksRes. Rep. Lab. Nuc. Sci. Tohoku Univ.18336-350T.Yoshida and K.Aoki
57INAA 1980.02Neutron activation analysis of Japanese standard rocksJ. Radioanal. Chem.59245-248H.Nakahara, K.Masago, Y.Nakamura, K.Horiuchi and Y
50.1IDMS 1985.12Personal communication, Hokkaido University, JapanY.Ikeda
43INAA 1978.04Personal communication, Kanagawa Prefectural Public Health Laboratory, JapanH.Takagi and H.Sugiyama
42.9ICPES 1985Determination of rare earth elements in geological standard rock samples by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometryChemistry Letters981-984K.Toyoda and H.Haraguchi
39.8IDMS 1986.09Personal communication, Geological Survey of JapanT.Tanaka
44.4NAA 1985.08Reevaluation of rare earth element abundances in Japanese standard rock samples, JG-1 and JB-1Analytical Sciences1209-213M.Ebihara, Y.Minai, M.K.Kubo, T.Tominaga, N.Aota,
40.7INAA 1980Comparison of different methods for activation analysis of geological and pedological samples: Reactor and epithermal neutron activation, relative and monostandard methodKFA Julich GmbH19801-46A.Alian and B.Sansoni
46.4INAA 1987.1A fully automated gamma-ray counting and data data processing system for INAA and analysis of rock reference samples (in Japanese with English abstract)Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan39537-557T.Tanaka, H.Kamioka and K.Yamanaka
37.8IDMS 1984.1Precise determination of Ho in meteorite and standard rocks by isotope dilution (Abst.,in Japanese)1984 Annual Meet. Japan Geoch. Soc.138O.Kawakami and A.Masuda
51.94ICPMS 1988.03Personal communication, National Inst. Agro-Env. Sci.A.Yoshino
48.9RNAA 1989.02Precise determination of rare earth elements in rocks by neutron activation analysisJ. Radio. Nuc. Chem., Articles12923-31Y.Terakada, T.Fujitani and J.Takada
50.32ICPMS 1989.08Personal communication, Geological Survey of JapanN.Imai
46.8ICPMS 1990.06Multielement analysis of rocks with the use of geological certified reference material by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryAnalytical sciences6389-395N.Imai
45.2INAA 1981Determination of the rare-earth element abundances in 29 international rock standards by instrumental neutron activation analysis: A critical appraisal of calibration errorsChem. Geol.34331-352P.J.Potts, O.W.Thorpe
45INAA 1984.04Trace element analysis by neutron activation with a low flux reactor (slowpoke-II): Results for international reference rocksGeost. Newsletter817-23S.J.Barnes and M.P.Gorton
45.8ICPES 1988.04Determination of the rare-earth elements and yttrium in 37 international silicate reference materials by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometryGeost. Newsletter121-12K.E.Jarvis and I.Jarvis
46.7INAA 1980Rare earth element mobility during granite alteration: evidence from southwest EnglandEarth Planet. Sci. Let.49149-165D.H.M.Alderton, J.A.Pearce and P.J.Potts
50.6INAA 1981Rare earth abundances and origin of some Indian lamprophyresGeol. Mag.118393-399D.K.Paul and P.J.Potts
44EXRF 1979.06Effective sample weight from scatter peaks in energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescenceAnal. Chem.51961-967P.V.Espen, L.Van Dack, F.Adams and R.V.Grieken
46.3ICPMS 1989.1Determination of rare earth elements in geological samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryJ. Anal. Atomic Spectrometry4563-K.E.Jarvis
42.3ICPMS 1990Quantitative analysis of original and powdered rocks and mineral inclusions by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometryAnal. Chim. Acta235381-391N.Imai
50.3ICPES 1989Determination of rare earth elements and yttrium in rocks using the plasma ⅡICP emission spectrometerAtomic Spectroscopy104-Z.Sulcek, I.Rubeska,
44.1ICPES 1988Chemical analysis of REE and trace metals in GSJ rock reference samples by ICPJ.Japan Assoc.Min Pet.Econ.Geol83102-106M.Tagiri and A.Fujinawa
41.48ICPMS 1992Determination of trace and ultra-trace elements in 32 international geostandards by ICP-MSJour.Min.Pet.Econ.Geol87107-122T.Yoshida,S.Yamasaki and A.Tsumura
42.1IC 1992The rare-earth element content of GSJ rock reference Samples determined by gradient ion chromatographyGeochem. J.26241-249R.T.Watkins and
49.76ICPES 1993.09Personal Communication, Cesky Geologicky UstavI.Rubeska
48.4ICPMS 1995Analysis of rareearth elementsin standard samples of granitic rocks by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after acid digestion and alkali fusionJ.Min.Petr.Econ.Geol.90419-427M.Ujiie and N.Imai
38XRF 1995Major and trace element analyses of rock samples by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using Rh anode tubeDepartment of Geology, Faculty of Educaton, Iwate University and Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology, Tokoku University5589-110N. Tsuchiya, T. Hasenaka
39.3XRF 1995Major and trace element analyses of rock samples by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using Rh anode tubeDepartment of Geology, Faculty of Educaton, Iwate University and Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology, Tokoku University5589-110N. Tsuchiya, T. Hasenaka
36.2XRF 1995Major and trace element analyses of rock samples by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry using Rh anode tubeDepartment of Geology, Faculty of Educaton, Iwate University and Institute of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Economic Geology, Tokoku University5589-110N. Tsuchiya, T. Hasenaka

  • Hit number : 48
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