Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JSl-1
Element code : Bi
Unit : ppm

<20OES 1990.04Personal communication, Geological Survey of IndiaB.G.Rao
<10OES 1990.05Personal Communication, U.S. Geological Survey, LakewoodJ.S.Kane, J.G.Crock, P.H.Briggs and D.L.Fey
0.35ICPMS 1993.04Simultaneous determination of thirty-seven trace elements in twenty-eight international rock standards by ICP-MSGeost. Newsletter1781-97CD.Garbe-Schonberg
0.25AA 1994Personal Communication, Czech Geol. surv, Czech RepublicI.Rubeska
1XRF 1996Personal communication, Bremen Univ., GermanyM.Zuther
0.8AA 1997Personal Communication,SKK,Japan
0.36HAA 1998Personal communication,GSJ,JapanS.Terashima
1OES 1999Personarl Communication, Institute of Geology, EstoniaT. Kiipli
0.366HAA 2002Determination of bismuth in 50 geological reference materials by AASBUNSEKI KAGAKU51317-322S.Terashima, T.Okai, N.Imai

  • Hit number : 9
    e-mail: GSJRM