Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JG-1
Element code : Bi
Unit : ppm

0.62OES 1968Personal communication, Geological Survey of Canada.W.H. Champ
<2OES 1972Personal communication, woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, U.S.A.G.Thompson
<0.5OES 1973.06Personal communication, Geological Survey of Canada.W.H. Champ and G.P. Bender
2.0*AA 1975.01Personal communication, Service Analyse et Contro, Complexe Scientifique, Canada.J. Gagnon
0.41AA 1979Determination of bismuth, cadmium nad thallium in 33 international standard reference rocks by fractional distillation combined with flameless atomic absorption spectrometryFresenius Z. Anal. Chem.294345-351Heinrichs
0.42ASV 1982Determination of bismuth in geological materials by anodic stripping voltammetryBull. Geol. Surv. Japan33619-625Y.Knai
0.516AA 1984Determination of bithmuth ingeological materials by automated hydride generation and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometryAnal. Chim. Acta156301-305S.Terashima
0.69AA 1987.01Personal communication, Meteorological Univ., JapanY.Dokiya
0.50AA 1987.1Determination of bismuth in environmental samples by hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrometryAnalytical Sciences3413-416J.Ohyama, F.Maruyama and Y.Dokiya
0.50ICPMS 1990Rapid determination of seven trace elements in rock reference samples by ICP-MS (in Japanese with English abstract)Bunseki Kagaku3955-59T.Okai
0.516AA 1984.1Determination of bismuth in eighty-three geochemical reference samples by atomic absorption spectrometryGeost. Newsletter8155-158S.Terashima
0.410FAA 1979Determination of Bismuth, Cadmium and Thallium in 33 international standard reference rocks by fractional distillation combined with flameless atomic absorption spectrometryFresenius Z. Anal. Chem.294345-351H.Heinrichs
0.45ICPMS 1992Determination of trace and ultra-trace elements in 32 international geostandards by ICP-MSJour.Min.Pet.Econ.Geol87107-122T.Yoshida,S.Yamasaki and A.Tsumura
0.51FAA 1993Determination of bismuth(III) by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry combined with liquid-liquid extraction with trioctylmethylammonium nitrateAnal.Chim.Acta278287--292A.Minagawa, K.Sawada and T.Suzuki
0.513HAA 2002Determination of bismuth in 50 geological reference materials by AASBUNSEKI KAGAKU51317-322S.Terashima, T.Okai, N.Imai

  • Hit number : 15
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