Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JCFA-1
Element code : B
Unit : ppm

1165ICPES 1998Personal communication,GSJ,JapanS.Terashima
1165ICPES 1998Alkali fusion/ICP-AES for the determination of boron in geological reference materials and a comperison with spectrophotometryBUNSEKI KAGAKU47451-454S.Terashima,T.Okai and M.Taniguchi
1209GAMMA 1999Determination of boron in Japanese geochemical reference samples by neutron-induced prompt gamma-ray analysisJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry239571-57C.Yonezawa,P.P.Ruska,H.Matsue,M.Magara and T.Adach
600OES 1999Personarl Communication, Institute of Geology, EstoniaT. Kiipli

  • Hit number : 4
    e-mail: GSJRM