Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JB-1a
Element code : B
Unit : ppm

6COLOR 1984Personal communication, Toho Univ., JapanY.Yoshiike
2.8COLOR 1984Personal communication, National Chemical Lab. for Industry, JapanF.Uehara
<10OES 1987.02Personal communication, Vernadsky Inst. Geoch. Anal. Chem.,USSRB.F.Myasoedov
12OES 1988.02Personal communication, USSR Academy of Sciences Siberian BranchV.P.Afonin
12OES 1989.1Determination of trace abundances of Ag, B, Ge, Mo, Sn, Tl and W in geochemical reference samples by atomic emission spectrographyGeost. Newsletter13269-272A.I.Kuznetsova and N.L.Chumakova
7.3SIMS 1989.1Quantitative SIMS of rock reference samplesGeoch. J.23215-236H.Yurimoto, A.Yamashita, N.Nishida and S.Sueno
7.7COLOR 1990.1Photometric determination of Boron in rock samples by Crown-ether extraction-flow infection method(in Japanese)39th Annual Meeting Japan Soc. Anal. Chem.H.Koshima and H.Onishi
7.50INAA 1991.04Concentrations of B, Sm, Gd, and H in 24 reference materialsGeost. Newsletter1559-66D.M.Shaw and P.L.C.Smith
7.7COLOR 1992Extraction of tetrafluoroborate with crown ethers and its application to silicate rock analysisFresenius J Anal Chem343287-291H.Koshima and H.Onishi
7.31GAMMA 1998Determination of boron in Japanese geochemical reference samples by neutron-induced prompt gamma-rey analysisJ.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.C.Yonezawa,P.P.Ruska,H.Matsue,M.Magara and T.Adach
7.02GAMMA 1998Determination of boron in Japanese geochemical reference samples by neutron-induced prompt gamma-rey analysisJ.Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.C.Yonezawa,P.P.Ruska,H.Matsue,M.Magara and T.Adach
7.31GAMMA 1999Determination of boron in Japanese geochemical reference samples by neutron-induced prompt gamma-ray analysisJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry239571-57C.Yonezawa,P.P.Ruska,H.Matsue,M.Magara and T.Adach
7.02GAMMA 1999Determination of boron in Japanese geochemical reference samples by neutron-induced prompt gamma-ray analysisJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry239571-57C.Yonezawa,P.P.Ruska,H.Matsue,M.Magara and T.Adach
6.40ICPMS 1999Boron Determination in Twenty One Silicate Rock Reference Materials by Isotope Dilution ICP-MSGeostandards Newsletter2321-29M.D’Orazio
7.49GAMMA 1998Determination of Boron Content in Volcanic Rocks by Using Neutron-induced Prompt r-Ray-Correction of Count Rate Fluctuation Using Silicon Internal Standard-RADIOISOTOPES473-12T.Sano, T.Fukuoka, T.Hasenaka, C.Yonezawa, H.Matsue and H.Sawahata

  • Hit number : 15
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