Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JB-1
Element code : B
Unit : ppm

10OES 1970Personal communication, Geological Survey of JapanK.Ikeda
16OES 1972Personal communication, Zentrales Geologishes Institut, Berlin, GermanyK.Schmidt
4OES 1972Personal communication, woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, U.S.A.G.Thompson
<10OES 1973.06Personal communication, Geological Survey of Canada.W.H. Champ and G.P. Bender
12.35IDMS 1973Determinatin of traces of boron in heat-resisting alloy standards by isotope dilution mass spectrometryShitsuryo Bunseki21283-292S.Tamura
7COLOR 1984Personal communication, Toho Univ., JapanY.Yoshiike
8.7COLOR 1984Personal communication, National Chemical Lab. for Industry, JapanF.Uehara
9COLOR 1981Geochemical study of the paleoenvironment during the time from the late permian to the early triassic in the Abadeh region, central IranMem. Fac. Educ., Kagawa Univ., II(31)39-55A.Inazumi and Y.Bando
9.1SIMS 1989.1Quantitative SIMS of rock reference samplesGeoch. J.23215-236H.Yurimoto, A.Yamashita, N.Nishida and S.Sueno
6.3ICPES 1984The preparation of iron-free solutions from geological materials for the determination of boron (and other elements) by inductively-coupled plasma emission spectrometryAnal. Chim. Acta159387-391V.K.Din
10.2COLOR 1990.1Photometric determination of Boron in rock samples by Crown-ether extraction-flow infection method(in Japanese)39th Annual Meeting Japan Soc. Anal. Chem.H.Koshima and H.Onishi
10.2COLOR 1992Extraction of tetrafluoroborate with crown ethers and its application to silicate rock analysisFresenius J Anal Chem343287-291H.Koshima and H.Onishi
10.7GAMMA 1995Prompt gamma-ray analysis of boron with cold and thermal neutron guided beamAnal.Chem.674466-4470C.Yonezawa and A.K.H.Wood
10.7INAA 1996Multi-element determination by a cold neutron-induced prompt gamma-ray analysis12C.Yonezawa
9.0ICPES 1998Personal communication,GSJ,JapanS.Terashima
9.0ICPES 1998Alkali fusion/ICP-AES for the determination of boron in geological reference materials and a comperison with spectrophotometryBUNSEKI KAGAKU47451-454S.Terashima,T.Okai and M.Taniguchi

  • Hit number : 16
    e-mail: GSJRM