Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JR-3
Element code : Al2O3
Unit : %

12.10AA 1993Three new GSJ rock reference samples:Rhyolite JR-3, Gabbro JGb-2 and Hornblendite JH-1.Geostandards Newsletter171-4S.Terashima
11.73ICPES 1992Personal Communication,Dowa Engineering Co., Ltd.(Anal.Iijima Bunseki Center)Y.Kinryu
11.74ICPES 1993.06Personal Communication, University of Innsbruck, AustriaR.Tessadri
11.95XRF 1992.12X-ray Fluprescence Analysis by using Fundamental Parameter Method.Bull.Institute for advanced Materials Processing Tohoku Univ.48140-150K.Sugiyama,J.W.Essel
11.79XRF 1994Personal Communication, The Open University, UKP.J.Potts
11.95ICPES 1994Personal communication, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale, FranceJo Cotten
12.27ICPES 1994Personal Communcation, Anglia Polytecbnic Univ. , UKT.Emmett
11.82XRF 1994Personal communication,Lund Univ., SweedenZoltan Solyom
12.12XRF 1992Feasibility study for chemical analysis by X-ray spectrometer using the fundamental parameter methodHigh Temperature Materials and Processes12167-173K.Sugiyama, Y.Waseda, J.W.Essel
11.84XRF 1995Personal communication,Claude Bernard Lyon1 Univ., FranceP.Capiez
11.74AA 1996Personal communication, Bremen Univ., GermanyM.Zuther
11.96XRF 1996Personal communication, Bremen Univ., GermanyM.Zuther
11.90XRF 1996Personal communication, Institut fur Geowissenschaften,GermanyFrau N.Groschopf
10.80EXRF 1997Personal communication,GSH,JapanK.Suga
11.93XRF 1997XRF Analysis of Major and Trace Elements for Silicate Rocks Using Low Dilution Ratio Fused GlassHUEPS Technical Report-21-20R.Tanaka and Y.Orihashi
11.96XRF 1998Personal communication,GEOMAR,GermanyK.Wolf
11.385ICPES 1998Personal communication,M.Watanabe,MKK,Tokyo, JapanM.Watanabe
11.39ICPES 1998Personal communication,SKK,Japan
11.93ICPES 1998Personal communication,SKK,Japan
11.86XRF 1998Personal communcation,Universite de Liege,BelgiumI.Roelandts
11.98XRF 1999Personal Communication,Departement DRO/GM FranceJ.Etoubleau
12.14XRF 1999Personal communication,Institute of Geology Estonia,ESTONIAT.Kiipli
12.14XRF 1999X-ray fluorescence analysis of major and trace elements in silicate rocks using fused disk samplesJ.Fac.Cul.Edu.Saga Univ3133-140S.Kakubuchi,T.Ishisaka and Y.Kawano
12.21XRF 1994Personal Communication,WSU GeoAnalytical Laboratory, USAC. Knaack, S. Cornelius and P. Hooper
12.21XRF 2000Personarl Communication,Washington State UniversityD. Johnson
12OES 1999Personarl Communication, Institute of Geology, EstoniaT. Kiipli

  • Hit number : 26
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