Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JB-1a
Element code : 87Sr/86Sr
Unit : -

0.704348MS 1984.04Personal communication, Geological Survey of Japan and unspecifiedT.Shirahase and T.Nakajima
0.70420MS 1987.11Personal communication, Yichang Inst. Geol. Min. Res., ChinaZ.Zichao
0.704083MS 198987Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd ratios of GSJ rock reference samples; JB-1a, JA-1 and JG-1aGeochemical J.23209-214H.Kagami, H.Yokose and H.Honma
0.704106MS 1996The Sr and Nd isotopic analysis and the quantitative analysis of Rb and Sr by using MAT 261Rept.of the research resources,Mining College, Akita Univ.6117-30M.Yamamoto and T.Maruyama
0.704097MS 1995A systematic and practical method of liquid chromatography for the determination of Sr and Nd isotopic ratios and REE concentrations in geological samplesChemical Geology123225-237C.Na,T.Nakano,K.Tazawa,M.Sakagawa and T.Ito
0.704100MS 1999Rb-Sr mineral ispchron ages of mantle peridotite xenoliths from Ichinomegata and Kurose, JapanJour. Min.Pet..Econ,Geol.94295-310S.Abe, M.Yamamoto
0.704093MS 1999Sr isotope analysis of hot spring waters in Saga PrefectureJ. Fac. Culture and Education Asga Univ.4147-156M.Yuhara, Y.Kawano, N.Nishi

  • Hit number : 7
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