Display Results of Searched Sample

Sample code : JB-1
Element code : 87Sr/86Sr
Unit : -

0.70417MS 1984.12Strontium isotopic consequence of the volcanic rocks from Fuji, Hakone and Izu areas(in Japanese with English abstract)Bull. Geol. Surv. Japan35637-659H.Kurasawa
0.704094MS 1993Granite generation and rapid unroofing related to strike-slip faulting,Aysen,ChileEarth Planet. Sci. Lett.120375-386F.Herve,R.J.Pankhurst,R.Drake,M.E.Beck,Jr. and C.M
0.704126MS 1996The Sr and Nd isotopic analysis and the quantitative analysis of Rb and Sr by using MAT 261Rept.of the research resources,Mining College, Akita Univ.6117-30M.Yamamoto and T.Maruyama

  • Hit number : 3
    e-mail: GSJRM